School Attendance Contacts

Attendance phone number – 920-322-8036

Attendance email –



Have Questions? Stay Connected!

Menu subject to change. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. High school will be offered a daily choice of an additional fruit and vegetable. Middle and high school have daily garden bar offerings.

SMSA Bus Routes

SMSA has several options available for families to support transportation needs both to and from campus during the academic year.  Please see options below.  


NOTE: Information regarding your busing route schedule can be found using the My Stop App. For more information visit


Click here for the FdL School District bus card.

Parent Volunteerism

Parents and visitors will be welcome on campus and at all school events!  Parents, volunteers, community partners, vendors and prospective students shall be welcome and are expected to record their visits to campus in official visitor logs that shall be maintained in the appropriate campus office.

SEE Training for Volunteering

Please note, the Archdiocese requires all volunteers of SMSA to have SEE(Safeguarding God’s children) training.

Click here to sign up and find a class.  You will need to create an account on the CMG website in order to sign up for the training.