School Nurse
SMSA is committed to providing a safe and healthy educational environment for its students. The Health Services Department’s focus is to address the physical, mental, emotional and social health needs of students which can impact student achievement and the learning process. Health Services supports and promotes student success by implementing systems and procedures for delivering health services throughout the system. Collaboration occurs with the Fond du Lac County Health Department to provide Vision and Hearing Screens, as well as a Flu Clinic on the SMSA campus.
SMSA’s health practices and policies are regularly reviewed and are directly aligned with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee guidelines.
Students with Medical Needs
SMSA is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its students. Health policies and practices are reviewed regularly and are in accord with the Wisconsin Department of Health and Archdiocese of Milwaukee guidelines.
- Parents are asked to provide an updated health history form at the beginning of each year for each student. Information should include chronic illness(es), allergies and medications.
- Parents of students with chronic illnesses will be asked to work with the nurse and complete an Individual Health Plan signed by a physician.
- Parents with students needing prescription medication at school will work with the nurse to complete a Medication form to be signed by a physician.
- Parents with students needing non-prescription medication at school will be asked to bring in the medication to school along with the completed non-prescription form.
- All students’ health information: medical conditions, allergies, and medications will be shared with teachers and administrative personnel in order to provide a safe environment for all students. This information is provided in a confidential manner to protect the privacy of the student.
- Following a significant illness or injury, a release to participate in PE and/or sports will be required.
- Students requiring surgery, hospitalization or who have a significant illness, injury or concussion must contact the school nurse to plan for the students’ return to school. A doctor’s note regarding the absence and physical limitations is required.
- Parents may request a meeting with the school nurse to review their child’s medical information or need assistance completing the paperwork.