Archdiocesan School

“From my perspective, a Catholic school is the place where students can ‘fail’ safely, where they are loved from childhood into adulthood and, where, if they slip or even fall, they’re held up and set back on course. SMSA is a perfect model of what a Catholic school should look and feel like.”


~ Kathleen Cepelka ’65, Retired Superintendent of Schools for Archdiocese of Milwaukee


St. Mary’s Springs Academy operates as an independent P3 – 12 grade Catholic School under the governance of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Connection with Holy Family Catholic Community

The current SMSA system was formed from a progression of parish mergers and school consolidations over many years and throughout Fond du Lac. What was once the Fond du Lac Area Catholic Education System (FACES), a K3 – 8th grade system of Holy Family Catholic Community, was assimilated by St. Mary’s Springs High School, in 2009, to become St. Mary’s Springs Academy. SMSA has always been blessed with a necessary, direct, and co-beneficial relationship with Holy Family Catholic Community! This relationship is displayed no better than when the entire SMSA system travels to Holy Family Church for their monthly all-system Mass.


Priest Team
SMSA is blessed to receive the help and service of the Holy Family priest team as well as many other regional priests. These priests offer their time and abilities to provide the students, staff, faculty, and parents of SMSA with the Sacraments, education, counseling, and direction on liturgical and theological circumstances. SMSA is particularly blessed with an appointed Priest Designate, Fr. Kevin Durand, who is intimately connected throughout the processes of the school.


Sacramental Prep
All Sacrament prep classes for students of the appropriate ages will be handled, per archdiocesan directive, through their home parishes.


Co-coordinating Events
SMSA Campus Ministry and Holy Family Catholic Community Youth Ministry make an effort to share all extracurricular faith development events including mission trips, conferences, fellowship groups, excursions, and pilgrimages.