Now Accepting Nominations for the 2024 Athletic Hall of Fame!


Click Here to Nominate an Athlete

The purpose of this organization is to give lasting recognition to outstanding athletes and individuals that have contributed to the promotion and development of athletics at SMSA High School. SMSA Athletic Hall of Fame is about inspiring the students and the public, by highlighting the accomplishments of the people who have been instrumental in creating a tradition of athletic excellence at SMSA High School.


Criteria for athletic membership: Any person who has earned at least one SMSA HS athletic lettering award. Moral character and good citizenship during high school and post high school years shall be a consideration. Nominees for the SMSA HS Athletic Hall of Fame shall have last competed in a WISAA/WIAA sponsored sport at SMSA HS at least 10 years prior to the proposed date of their induction into the Hall of Fame. Although athletic achievement while attending SMSA HS is of prime importance, outstanding accomplishments after leaving SMSA HS will also be a factor in making the selections. Nominees must have participated on a WISAA/WIAA sponsored athletic team at SMSA HS.


Criteria for coaches, athletic directors, and other memberships: They exemplify good character and citizenship. Any coach or athletic director needs to be retired from SMSA HS and no longer actively coaching. Other factors that will influence the selection of a coach: won-lost record at SMSA HS; length of coaching career at SMSA HS; concern for the welfare of the players; achievement of their former players; and outstanding achievements after leaving SMSA HS.


The SMSA High School Athletic Hall of Fame Committee shall consider nominees for selection into SMSA HS Athletic Hall of Fame on a biennial basis. 

2022 Athletic Hall of Fame Photo Gallery

2022 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Anthony Berenz ‘85

Maggie (Shea) DeMars ‘91

Katie (Ahern) Falk ‘64

Eric Steffes ‘11

Dean Tighe ‘86

Honored Team: 1994 Varsity Cheer Team

Honored Team: 1966 Varsity Boys Basketball Team

2020 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Patrick Ellestad ’00
Ty Garner ’96
Joe Steffen ’92
David Tighe ’78
Athlete/Coach Julie (Pickart) Riese ’78
Paul Walgenbach ’69
Honored Team: 2004 State Champion 4 x 100 Boy’s Relay Team


2019 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Mitchell Schneider ’08

Josh Schneider ’03

Jacob Mueller ’99

Nilo Lloren ’89

Gerard Berenz ’77

Craig Hawley ’82

John Pawsat ’57

Coach Joe Bird ’65

Coach Sr. Florence Magnan

Joseph Brandt ’62

Honored Team Varsity Boys ’81 – ’87 Hockey Teams


2018 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Patrick Steffes ’06

Jeff Ellestad ’03

Robin (Johnson) Thousand ’98

Kurt Semandel ’85

Shawn O’Loughlin ’75

Rich Petrie ’73

Paul “Chip” Kremer ’60

Coach Bob Baker ’66

Honored ’94 – ’98 Girls Cross Country Teams


2017 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Bob Sheridan ’55

David Schommer ’82

Matt Massick ’87

Rob Hyland ’92

Sam Mueller ’96

Amy (Walters) Schlotthauer ’99

Mike Tack ’01

Matt Moses ’06

Coach: Tom Neises

Honored: ’92-’93 and ’93-’94 Boys Basketball State Championship Teams


2016 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Richard Pawsat, MD ‘53

Dave Shaw ‘73

Terese A. Sheridan ‘75

Jim Baudry ‘76

Dave Baudry ‘77

Blaine Toshner ’84

David Casalena ‘86

Elizabeth Pesch ‘98

Coach: Jerry Tighe

Honored: ‘83 Football State Champions