St. Mary’s Springs Academy offers parents the opportunity to get involved in a variety of ways. The most active parent organizations are the Booster Clubs. These organizations are the Parents for Performing Arts (PPA) and the Athletic Booster Club (ABC).
These clubs support a variety of extracurricular and academic programs at the Springs, and all rely heavily on volunteers.
St. Mary’s Springs Academy invites you to become involved in these booster organizations. Meet new friends while supporting a variety of programs that benefit our children and our community!
The Parents for Performing Arts (PPA) meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30pm in the high school cafeteria. They support the Fall Play and the Spring Musical as well as Forensics and the Performing Arts Club.
The Athletic Boosters meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm in the high school cafeteria. The Athletic Booster by-laws and disbursement form is available below for your review.