When should I refer a student to see the counselor?
Watch for the following 6 things when talking to your students/child and please report these to the counselor.
- Someone is hurting the student
- The student wants to hurt someone
- The student wants to hurt him/herself
- The student is struggling with the same recurring problem or behavior socially, or emotionally.
- The student is being observed to have repeated peer conflicts.
- Any non-discipline concern that you feel counseling services will benefit the child.
How do I refer a student for counseling services?
First, contact your student’s specific school counselor via email, phone or personally to discuss your concerns.
- Fill out SMSA’s counseling referral form. This document provides the counselor with the information you have observed or have concerns about. Information on this doc is to remain confidential between the counselor and the person(s) making the referral
- Student Self Referral. Students in grades 3-8 will be able to “refer themselves” for counseling services. These forms will be provided to students in their classrooms
Is this a confidential process?
YES! This is a crucial part of a counselor’s role. Ethically counselors are bound to keep what student’s share during sessions private unless students share that they are:
- Hurting themselves
- Hurting others
- Share that someone else is hurting someone else or themselves
Please keep in mind that as counselors we want to protect students privacy and collaborate with educators/parents “need to know/basic information”. This information may often times not include all the details or what the student shares during the counseling session.
Please feel free to ask any questions regarding confidentiality or counseling ethics.