Dear Parents/Guardians,
The first few days of school were filled with numerous smiles and the Ledger Way core values seen all over the school. The students seem to be finding their groove and adjusting to the school day. They bring such great joy with them as they interact with the school community. A couple of days ago I observed one student supporting a peer by helping them up and laughing off the situation. It was a wonderful sight of unity and community matched with a learning opportunity. So many of these stories can be found and shared if we search for them. The Ledger Way is alive and well.
Thank you for supporting our second year of our parking plan on the upper parking lot. It appears everyone is pitching in and doing their part by using the middle lane to exit the lot. This process supports safety and support everyone driving forward and limiting the need to go in reverse where students and parents may be walking. Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe.
We are asking you to please leave pets in the car or at home when dropping off or picking up children. Pets are not allowed on our lower playground. This is to keep everyone safe as we drop off or dismiss from school. Thank you for your cooperation.
All-System Mass Reminders
Just a couple reminders regarding our upcoming All-System Mass on Friday, September 2nd. Grades K – 5th boys and girls are to follow our everyday school uniform attire for Mass. Please note, shorts are not permitted at Mass. Pants must be worn by boys. Girls may choose to wear a school appropriate skirt or school appropriate pants to mass. Students may bring a pair of shorts to change into once they return to school from Mass.
Grades 6th – 8th boys and girls are required to wear Lands’ End oxford button down shirts, with the SMSA logo, in white, French blue, Land’s End Lake blue and white stripes. Boys must wear an approved SMSA Lands’ End striped neck or bow tie. More information about Mass attire can be found online. Pants must be worn by boys. Girls may choose to wear a school appropriate skirt or school appropriate pants to mass. Students may bring a pair of shorts to change into once they return to school from Mass.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support of SMSA. Please continue to read the eLedger as our main communication tool. Please ask your questions, because we are here to seek understanding and support you.
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Elementary Principal, SMSA