Dear Parents and Guardians,
What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? This thought provoking question may remind us that our lives are filled with many blessings. Please join me in taking time not only on this Thanksgiving, but maybe every week or each day thereafter to help our leaders for tomorrow to grow in the area of thanksgiving for small wonders, awesome people and amazing experiences we get to be surrounded by in the moments of our lives.
Thank you parents/guardians for our partnership in the educational process of growing children to be rooted in Christ’s teaching, learning about service to community, and becoming leaders for tomorrow.
Please notice the important dates below as the holiday season is approaching. It’s an exciting time of the year with all the joy being shared in the experiences in the opportunities being provided. Please come and enjoy the events during the holiday season.
SMSA is excited to support Mason Abraham and his family this Advent season. Please read the following letter to learn a couple of ways you can make a difference in your journey and another’s journey this Advent. An Advent Story 2021
Our dress code will return back to our normal dress code depicted in the handbook after Thanksgiving. From our understanding, many uniforms have been delivered to homes. Thank you for understanding and supporting the decision on uniforms as we continue through this current school year.
Brought to us yearly by the eighth grader students, teachers and volunteers, is the SMSA Elves R Us program. Please click on the following link to learn more about Elves R Us and how SMSA families can encounter this wonderful opportunity. Elves R Us
Thank you for your continued partnership with SMSA . Together we create a path for tomorrow’s children to achieve amazing dreams.
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Elementary Principal, SMSA
Standards Based Grading
The objective of the video series is to educate parents in short videos to unpack Standard Based Grading. The series intends to deliver an education and mindshift to understand Standards Based Grading, why Standards Based Grading is best practice, and how Standards Based Grading functions with the parent and teacher supporting the student’s journey.
Please select the following six links to see the box set of SBG at SMSA.