Dear Parents and Guardians,
The end of the third quarter is before us and so is spring break. The third quarter comes to a conclusion on March 25th. All school work for the third quarter will be turned in before spring break for students to receive a learning grade for the quarter. Skyward will close on March 26th and teachers will be completing grading. Skyward will reopen to families on April 8th for parents to view the digital report card.
Spring break offers hope. Hope may let us think about the thoughts of resurrection and new growth. Springtime is given to us as a gift and reminder to us of the awesomeness of God’s creation. During spring, many things come back to life around our environment here in Fond du Lac. Trees and flowers start budding. Robins come back for the warm months. Baby animals can be seen around nature. New life and the hope of spring can be joy, happiness, and love. Take some time this spring break and spend it seeking hope, finding hope, and being grateful for hope.
Please support keeping our drop off and pick zones safe. Please use the hug and go lane when dropping off or picking up your child(ren) with the intention of not getting out of the vehicle. If you would rather get out and meet your child(ren) please use the parking lot. It takes all of us to keep everyone safe. Thank you.
Forward testing
Forward testing for grades 3 – 8 began this week with the ELA and math portion of the assessment. The week of Monday, April 4th, the fourth and eighth graders will continue testing in Science and Social Studies.
Please join us in making this a successful endeavor by having your child(ren) here at SMSA during the testing window. For more information, please use this link to access the Wisconsin DPI Forward Information Guide for Families.
Thank you for your continued partnership with SMSA. Together we create a path for tomorrow’s children to achieve amazing dreams.
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Elementary Principal, SMSA
Standards Based Grading
The objective of the video series is to educate parents in short videos to unpack Standard Based Grading. The series intends to deliver an education and mindshift to understand Standards Based Grading, why Standards Based Grading is best practice, and how Standards Based Grading functions with the parent and teacher supporting the student’s journey.
Please select the following six links to see the box set of SBG at SMSA.