Dear Parents and Guardians,
Can you believe the end of the third quarter is just a couple of weeks away? Friday, March 25th is the completion day of our third quarter together. Please feel free to communicate or set up a conference with teachers during their business hours if you have a concern or question regarding the success of your child(ren). SMSA encourages healthy partnerships to create a successful school experience and student achievement.
Forward testing for grades 3 – 8 will be occurring at the end of March. Please take time to read more about the Forward Test below. Please join us in making this a successful endeavor by having your child(ren) here at SMSA during the testing window. Thank you.
Please know I’m praying for you during this Lenten season. The prayer is for families and the importance of taking time to notice each other everyday and express an act of kindness to demonstrate care for each other. We all need to be noticed and know we are cared for all the days of our lives.
Thank you for your continued partnership with SMSA. Together we create a path for tomorrow’s children to achieve amazing dreams.
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Elementary Principal, SMSA
Standard Based Grading
Please select the following six links to see the box set of SBG at SMSA.