All-System Spirit Wear and Jeans Day - December 7th

In anticipation of Saturday’s Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, students are allowed to wear spirit tops and jeans (no holes and no sweat pants) to school Friday, December 7, 2018.

From the Office of Steve Kelnhofer, P3 - 5th Grade Principal

News from the South Hall

Advent is upon us, and with this season, comes a lot of preparation.  Our teachers and students have been busy planning, preparing and practicing for their Christmas programs.


Yesterday, I took great joy in watching Baker Gym fill with parents, grandparents, family and friends as they joined together to enjoy the P3 and 4K Christmas program.  The program was filled with holiday cheer, joy and faith as they presented the nativity scene in their own little way.    

The Kindergarten through 4th grade Christmas rehearsal took place yesterday afternoon and I again was able take in the joy as our student’s loved ones filled the gym for Christmas cheer.


Fifth grade students will be holding their concert next week Tuesday, December 11th and Wednesday, December 12th.  Please read below for more details.  I look forward to attending their concerts as well!


Thank you for being a part of our school family.  Have a blessed and meaningful Advent season.

God Bless,
Mr. Kelnhofer

Upcoming Events/News

5th - 8th Grade Christmas Concert - December 11th

The 5th – 8th grade Christmas Concert will be held Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Baker Gym.  Please use the lower North entrance. Baker Gym is located through the Cafeteria to the right.

5th - 8th Grade Christmas Choir Concert - December 12th

The 5th – 8th grade Choir Christmas Concert will be held Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in Baker Gym.  Please use the lower North entrance. Baker Gym is located through the Cafeteria to the right.

Elementary Mass - December 14th & 21st

Join us Friday, December 14th and 21st as our elementary students lead us in prayer in The Chapel of St. Mary at SMSA.


December 14th schedule:

K-2nd Grade Mass
8:10 a.m. – Mrs. Giese’s 1st grade class will lead us in prayer.

3rd-5th Grade Mass

9:00 a.m. – Mrs. Johnson’s 3rd grade class will lead us in prayer.


Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Maurer’s classes will be in attendance for the 8:10 a.m. service.


Mrs. Wuest, Ms. Flatt, Mrs. Kuechenberg and Mrs. Sippel classes will be in attendance for the 9:00 a.m. service.

Before/After School Care News

No News at This Time.

Parent Connectors

Would you like to become more involved with our SMSA Parent Connectors Group?  If you are interested in helping with honoring our SMSA Staff each month, conference meals or Staff Appreciation Week, please email any of the parents below.  Andrea Nuss, Valerie Everson, Katie Mathos or Jill Harmon


We would love to get elementary school parents involved in these school wide events!  We look forward to hearing from you!