***This is the final Northeast Region weekly highway construction update for 2021, these will resume in Spring 2022***
WIS 23 Expansion
Location/limits: USH 151 to Seven Hills Road
Length: 5.59 miles
Cost: $35 million
Schedule: Contract Completion Date of November 15, 2022
Description of work: This work is part of the WIS 23 4-lane, on-alignment expansion project in Sheboygan and Fond du Lac counties. Construction in the Fond du Lac urban section of the overall project includes the construction of WIS 23 additional lanes. Work also includes construction of a roundabout at WIS 23 and Wisconsin American Drive, a jug handle interchange with roundabouts at WIS 23 and County K, and a WIS 23 structure over County K. At WIS 23 and County UU, a diamond interchange with roundabouts and a bridge over WIS 23 will be constructed. Other work includes grading, drainage culverts and inlets, aggregate base, concrete pavement, and incidentals.
WINTER 2021/22:
The contractor will continue working on the new County UU bridge. The contractor will also continue working on miscellaneous grading and drainage items as weather permits.
Traffic impacts:
WIS 23 will remain open with a single lane of travel in each direction from Highway 151 to Seven Hills Road.
Hilltop Drive access to WIS 23 will be maintained on a temporary connection with Whispering Springs Drive.
Winter closures:
- County UU (south of WIS 23) – Closed
- County UU (north of WIS 23) – Closed
- County K (north of WIS 23) – Closed at Highway 23
- County K (south of WIS 23) – Access to and from Highway 23 westbound is closed.
Access restrictions will continue at the below locations. Posted “no left turns”.
- Southbound Whispering Springs to eastbound WIS 23
- Eastbound WIS 23 to northbound Whispering Springs
Project website: https://projects.511wi.gov/wis23resurface/
Statewide traffic impacts and construction projects
- https://511wi.gov/ or call 511
Please use alternate routes to access these locations.