Spring Break
To celebrate spring break coming up March 12th-16th, ALL SMSA students may wear jeans, sweats and appropriate Hawaiian, neon colored or spiritwear shirts. Students who have Mass may change after Mass.
Reminder, all school offices will be closed during break.
Use car signals when dropping off students
Parents, please turn on your car blinkers early when dropping children off; especially on County Road K.
Stock up on Scrip now. The Scrip office will be closed during Spring Break (March 12-March 16).
Normal business hours will resume Monday, March 19.
Looking for a Nanny this summer?
Alex Wilson, an experienced day care worker, private nanny, and who has worked at the children museum is excited to offer her talents as a nanny to your family! Please feel free to call or text her at 920-375-0517.
2018-2019 Academic Calendar is now available! To view it, please click here.
Link to monthly calendars.
Link to athletic calendars.