SMSA Staff members in the spotlgiht this week are: Ms. Arndt (After School Care), Mrs. Baitinger (4K Teacher), Mrs. Charneski (Kindergarten Aide), Mrs. Faul (Kindergarten Aide), Mrs. Frank (Permanent Substitute),
Ms. Freund (4K Teacher), Mrs. Freund (3K Teacher), Mrs. Jurgensmier (3K Aide/Enrichment/After School Care), Mrs. Immel (4K Aide), Mrs. Kraus (Kindergarten Teacher), Mrs. O’Hearn (3K Teacher), Mrs. Radl (Kindergarten Aide), Mrs. Reid (4K Teacher), Ms. Salm(After School Care Coordinator) , Mrs. Saunders (Child Care/Intervention Aide), Mrs. Sawicki (K-3 Student Service Aide), Mrs. Schrieber (4K Aide), Mrs. Twohig (3K Aide), Mrs. Wagner (Kindergarten Aide) & Ms. Welker (Kindergarten Teacher).
We appreciate All of YOU! Thank you for making SMSA a fabulous school! To show your appreciation, have your child write them a note, draw them a picture or you could even send them a kind email. Thank you!