Mary Hill Park Turn Around
Please remember, families are NOT to use the Mary Hill Park turn around to bypass turning left onto Cty Road K from Hwy 23. We have been notified by the Fond du Lac Police Department that additional enforcement will be in the area to stop this from happening. It is imperative families follow this route for the communities safety and not ignored for individual convenience.
Drop Off on Hwy K and Bus Lanes
Families are NOT to stop on Cty Road K or stop in the bus lanes as a means to drop off. As mentioned before, this is for the safety of the community and not to be ignored for individual convenience.
Cellular Phone Usage
Recently, one of our crossing guards was almost hit by a motorist using their cellphone. We urge you to please refrain from using your cellular device or anything else that could be a distraction to you during drop off and pick up. Drivers must have full attention to the road and their surroundings for the safety of our crossing guards, students, faculty and teachers. There is a lot of movement during this time and 100% focus is needed to ensure safety.
Thank you