General News

Ledgerfest 2018


Ledgerfest is only 9 days away! Make sure you RSVP to reserve your spot! Click here to register today.


When: Saturday, February 17, 2018
Where: Holiday Inn Winnebago Conference Center
Schedule of Events:
5:00 pm Cocktails, Social, Silent Auction, Dessert Auction, Mystery Raffle
6:30 pm Seated Dinner
7:30 pm Live Auction, DJ & Dancing to Follow
Attire: Casual, fun, colorful, “Valentine-ish”

WI Private School Tuition Deduction

The state of Wisconsin allows parents to deduct private school tuition. Families are eligible to receive an income tax deduction of up to $4,000 for tuition paid for each kindergarten through eighth grade student and up to $10,000 per high school student.

Helping the Hungry & Hurting Blood Drive February 17th hosted by Ian, SMSA student and Boy Scout with Troop 701 in Fond du Lac. Please click here for more information on the drive. Thank you for your support.

Thank you to all the faculty and students who volunteered earlier this school year at the National Honor Society bi-annual blood drive on November 29. Nearly 50 individuals volunteered to give blood and 39 units of blood were collected! NHS is proud to extend the blood donation sign up to community members during the next blood drive on Wednesday, March 28. If you are interested in donating, keep reading the eLedger!  Details explaining how to sign up to donate will follow in a later issue as March approaches.

Business News: Tuition Assistance Available

Tuition assistance applications are now being accepted for the 2018-2019 school year.

While filling out your taxes, please complete the tuition assistance process; much of the information on your tax return is used in the TADS application. There are many variables taken into account when affordability of tuition is considered.  We encourage any family, who thinks they may qualify, to apply! Every little bit of assistance helps!

2018-2019 Academic Calendar is now available! To view it, please click here.

Link to monthly calendars.


Link to athletic calendars.

Volunteer Information

Ledgerfest is rapidly approaching and volunteers are needed to make this event the success that it always is. Click here to lend a hand on February 17th. Sign-up at 

School Nurse

The Fond du Lac community and many surrounding school districts have seen in increase in illnesses, including influenza. We are doing everything we can at SMSA to keep the illnesses out of the building, but need your help. If your child is sick, please keep them at home. Here are some reasons you should keep your child at home:


  • Temperature of 100 or above. When your child has had a fever, his or her temperature should be below 100 for at least 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or ibuprofen.
  • Coughing frequently or has a productive cough (is coughing up phlegm).
  • Had diarrhea or vomiting in the past 24 hours.
  • Is complaining that his/her ears or throat hurts.
  • Is very tired because of being up during the night with any of the above symptoms.
  • Has seen a doctor who prescribed an antibiotic. Generally a child should be on an antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school; your doctor will give you specific instructions.
  • Is just “not feeling good” or is acting sluggish.

When you do keep your child at home please call the school attendance line (920-322-8036) early in the day to let us know the reason for illness.  If your child has been diagnosed with a communicable disease such as influenza, strep throat or pink eye please tell the office.  If your child develops signs of illness at school, you will be contacted to come and take him or her home.


Thank you for helping keep our school healthy! Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at or 920-322-3206.

Community & Booster Clubs



The next meeting for the PPA, is scheduled for 02/21/2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria. The ABC meeting minutes will be available on the website at ABC & PPA Boosters.

We are still looking for help with concessions and ticket sales for our winter sports.

Sign up today!  Click here.


Parent Connectors

Winter Carnival Friday, February 9th from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm in the Hutter Gym.

Enjoy spending time with other SMSA families while playing fun carnival games! Food items will be served! If you would like to donate food/drink items, please click on the link to sign- up. All items can be brought to either offices (North or South) on Friday, February 9th by 2:30 pm. Thank you! Winter Carnival donations.

Grandparents Day for grades K-5– April 25th & 26th
Grandparents will be invited to school to spend some time with their grandchildren.

If you would like to show your appreciation for the SMSA Staff, come join the Parent Connector Group on a Monday morning to honor them! Please click here to sign up! We would love to have you join us!