Message from the P3 - Grade 5 Principal, Steven Kelnhofer

Dear Parents,

Seeing students arriving to school this week was a true blessing.  Their smiling faces and excitement to learn and grow are gifts they give to us and the world.  Children help remind us of the simple things of life; happiness and curiosity. 

As the school year shifts into gear, I would like to remind you of a couple things.  


First, please remember our school doors will open at 7:45 a.m., if weather conditions permit.  We have a holding zone in the lower playground starting at 7:30 a.m. until 7:45 a.m. for students K-5 (P3 and K4 students need to be walked to their classrooms).


Second, please remember to pull as far forward as possible when using the Hug and Go lane to keep traffic flow running smoothly.  

Third, keep an eye out for communication from your classroom teachers as they begin to share their classroom newsletters.  

As the school year progresses, I look forward to working with you to grow our SMSA community in a variety of ways.  

God Bless,
Mr. Kelnhofer

Upcoming Events/News

SMSA Summer Reading Program - Minute Logging Deadline September 7th

Way to go junior Ledgers!  Our summer reading program has recorded over 94,000 minutes and we are still adding minutes daily!  That means, you beat Mr. K’s goal of 85,000 minutes!  There is still time to log your minutes, our program isn’t over until Friday, September 7th.  Did you forget a week or a day this summer?  Don’t fret!  We are currently in Minute Mania Mode, where you can access all weeks to record those missing minutes.  Log on to and use your log in information.

If you have any problems please contact Lisa Serovy at  


Stay tuned for the grand total of minutes and to vote to see “What will Mr. K do, now that we beat his goal?”  Great job junior Ledgers!

Elementary Prayer Service - September 14th

Join us, on September 14th, as our elementary students lead us in prayer in The Chapel of St. Mary at SMSA.


Next week’s schedule:

8:10 a.m. – Mrs. Garlow’s 2nd grade class will lead us in prayer.


9:00 a.m. – Mrs. Townsend’s 5th grade class will lead us in prayer.


Watch for Friday, September 21st class leads in the next edition of the eLedger.

Do you have a love for books? Join our Book Fair Committee!

The Book Fair Committee is a fantastic way to be involved in your child’s school.  Whether you’re setting up for the pre-fair or helping with book fairs, your efforts will be rewarded with the friendly smiles you encounter and the unique glimpse you get into the academic world of the students.

As a member of the committee, you will be scheduled to volunteer at book fairs as your interest dictates and your time allows.  All meetings held are not mandatory; this committee requires only as much time as you are willing and able to give, but your assistance to the school is invaluable. This committee is overseen by two co-chairs.

SMSA sponsors two Scholastic book fairs during the school year.  One in fall held in conjunction with parent/teacher conferences, and one in spring which is typically a BOGO book fair.  Profits are used to buy new books or learning resources for the elementary school.  Each book fair runs for approximately 3 days, times varying.  Several committee members/volunteers are needed each day to help work the checkout as well as assist during class preview times.  Committee Members/Volunteers are invited to sign up for any of several 2-hour shifts that are scheduled during the book fair.  Time Commitment: at least one 2-hour shift during the week of the book fair.


If you are interested in joining our committee, please email one of the co-chairs; Lisa Serovy; or Jen Kebble;

Box Tops, Milk Moola & Loaves For Learning

Let’s start the school year off right!  Bring in those Box Tops, Milk Moola Caps and Loaves for Learning labels you’ve collected over the summer.  Please give these items to your teacher the first week of school and enjoy a classroom treat provided by the SMSA Grandparents Club.


Keep collecting throughout the school year and watch for special promotions.  Last year, these programs generated over $3,000 providing assistance to our special programs (music, art, phy-ed, etc.).


Let’s top that this year! Together we can do great things for SMSA!

Before/After School Care News

Dear Parents,

Please remember to pick up a calendar to fill out and turn back in for when your child/children will be using after school care.  


Peanut free snacks are allowed in after school care.  Please provide a snack via backpack day to day or provide a bin for a long duration that we will house for the students younger than 1st grade.  


Students in 1st grade or below will be either on the lower playground or in the Child Care Center.  


Students grades 2nd – 5th can bring a snack day to day or keep a snack bin by their cubby or locker.  These students will be in the library or on the upper playground.

Thank you for all your help getting the year going.