From the Desk of Steve Kelnhofer - Elementary School Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Last week we had the opportunity for our first All System Mass as a Ledger community for the school year. After Mass, I had the opportunity to speak with our SMSA Priest Designate, Fr. Durand. Father Durand spoke to me about how he was overtaken with joy as he processed into Mass. After Mass one could sense his deep appreciation of our Ledger community. I came to learn that this experience moved him to tears of joy. It’s sometimes easy for us to take the blessings we experience for granted. Fr. Durand’s experience refreshes the idea of how blessed we are to be part of the St. Mary’s Springs Academy community and the good things happening on the Ledge.


As the school year proceeds forward, please know that you do not have to wait until conferences to meet with a member of the SMSA faculty. We are here to support the educational journey of your child(ren). Positive relationships and communication are very important to us as we partner together for a productive, safe and enjoyable school year. Each child matters and deserves our attention and support as they grow towards their purpose filled life.


Thank you for supporting our drop off process in the south parking lot. The Ledger driving community is doing their part by using the middle lane and west lane to exit the lot. Please pull all the way forward in the Hug and Go lane and use the west part of this drop off process. By pulling all the way ahead and using the west side we will eliminate congestion on the east side of the lot. Thank you for working together.

A parent/guardian must be supervising their child(ren) outside if there is an intention is to use campus grounds after school. SMSA will be only supervising students that attend Extended School Care. Please leave pets in the car or at home when dropping off or picking up children. Pets are not allowed on our lower playground. Thank you for your cooperation.

Thank you for your continued partnership and support of SMSA. Please continue to read the eLedger as our main communication tool. Please ask your questions, because we are here to seek understanding and support you.


God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Elementary Principal, SMSA



News and Information

Help SMSA Celebrate 115 Year's of Catholic Education!



Junior Ledger Basketball Club (JLBC)

It’s Basketball Time! 

Junior Ledgers Basketball Club (JLBC)
Information and Registration Night
Thursday, September 19th, 2024 6:30 PM
(Coaches meeting to follow)
High School Cafeteria


JLBC-Registration-Info-Night-2024 & Registration Form



2024-25 Cub Scout Pack Kickoff and Join Night Event


When – Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Time – 5:30-7:30 PM
Dinner – 5:45 PM
Where – Holy Family Church Hall, 271 4th St. Way, Fond du Lac

This event is for all boys in kindergarten through 5th grade (5-10 years old) that are part of the Fond du Lac Catholic Community.


Cub Scouts have the time of their lives making new friends and learning new things in an environment designed to help them succeed. From building a Pinewood Derby® car to learning how to roast the perfect marshmallow at a family campout, your son will LOVE being a Cub Scout!


Contact Christine Krizenesky at 920-579-0323 or for more information email-



Elves R Us - Looking Ahead

Before you know it Elves R Us, a time honored tradition on the Ledge will be here and our 8th grade students will be helping to bring the magic of Christmas to SMSA’s Elementary students, faculty and staff!


The Elves store will be held the week of December 2nd through December 6th. Setting up the store and wrapping room will begin on November 25th and 26th. More information will follow, but in preparation we are in need of larger bags with handles so the kids can transport their gifts home safely. If you have any larger plastic shopping bags (not the small grocery plastic bags), or brown grocery bags with handles, please drop them at either the North or South office. Thank you!



News from the Kitchen

Welcome to the new school year! SMSA Food Service is part of the National School Lunch Program and we strive to present tasty and nutritious meals for our students every day. There are a few reminders for the upcoming year. Online under Parents & Family resources you will all menus, necessary forms, and information for food service. The Food Service payment policy has instructions on food service payment and instruction for setting daily limits using the skyward family access on purchases for your students in the middle school and high school who have a la carte choices.


If you have limits on your children’s purchases from last year, these have carried over, but you should review your limits annually as prices have changed on our offerings. Current prices are online under the resources.


Our lunch accounts are family based so all children draw off the same funds. When applying funds online through eFunds, it is sufficient to put funds on one account, not each student.


Parents are always welcome to come and share a meal with their children. We hope to see you visiting our cafeteria soon.



SMSA Adult Sports Passes 2024-2025

Are you a fan of Ledger Athletics? SMSA Adult Sports Passes are now available for purchase. The SMSA Sports pass covers admission for any HOME Ledger sporting event where an entry fee is charged. (Excluding WIAA playoff games) Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey and Soccer are examples of the sports that would be included in the pass. The SMSA Sports pass is $50.00. The passes will be available for purchase on oreintation day in the North & South Hall Offices as well as the Scrip Suite. Cash or checks made payable to SMSA will be accepted. If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Mueller at Thank you for supporting Ledger Athletics!




Get involved with our Parent Connectors Group!!

Welcome Back! We hope you had a wonderful summer! Are you wanting to get more involved in our Parent Connectors Group? If so, look for the Parent Connectors volunteer form in your packet you will be receiving at the supply drop off day (3K-5th Grade). If your youngest child is in 6th grade or above, you won’t be receiving a form to fill out but can email Andrea Nuss,, to share that you are interested in being a part of our group. Every year a new email group gets created so please submit your form even if you have done so in the past years. Also, only one form per family is needed to be filled out. Throughout the year, our group has various school family events as well shows our amazing SMSA Staff how appreciative we are for them. By being a part of our group, you will receive emails that shares ways you can help with these events through volunteering and donating. Our group wouldn’t be a successful without all of the wonderful people involved in it. Thank you so much! If you have any questions, please email Andrea Nuss,



Bus Route Transportation 2024-2025

Fond du Lac School District (FDL-SD)
Transportation is provided on school buses contracted through a private bus company. It shall be furnished to elementary students (K-5) whose residences are outside the city limits for the city of Fond du Lac and who live two (2) or more miles from the school which they attend. Secondary students (6-12) living in rural areas more than two miles away from their attendance area school are eligible for transportation.


Families with eligible students that will need bus transportation next fall will be required to complete the FDL School District bus transportation card. The bus card is available on the SMSA website or at the South Hall office. A bus card is required for every new eligible child in the family. If your children currently ride the school bus a new bus card is not required for the next school year.


FDL-SD is requesting all Route bus transportation cards be completed and returned by May 15, 2024.
Return completed bus card to:
Amy Pickart –
FDL School District
Pupil Services/Transportation
72 W Ninth Street
Fond du Lac , WI 54935

For more information go to the FDL-SD website.


Who to Contact:
For more information regarding eligibility, please contact Wendy Burgess at 920-906-6524.

Bus Routes:
For information regarding routes, please contact Johnson Bus Company at 920-921-3003.



Refer-A-Family Program

Did you know? You can Refer-A-Family and receive tuition credit!


Click Here to Learn More!



Upcoming Dates

Parent/Teacher Conferences: October 1 & 2, 2024

No School – Teacher In-service: October 3 & 4, 2024

Absent/Retake Photo Day for all P3 – 8th grade: October 10, 2024


Before/After School Care News

Extended Care for the 2024-2025 school year

Parents please remember in order for your child/children to have a spot in extended care the $100.00 registration fee per family needs to be turned in to the south office.


Please email if you have any questions.


Registration for SMSA’s Extended Care Program can be done online through your Skyward Family Access account.


Thank you




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