From the Office of Steve Kelnhofer, PreK - 8th Grade Principal

Greetings Parents,


Kindness, community, leadership, learning, and respect can be seen all around as we go about our school day. Earlier this week, I noticed three amazing seventh graders get up from their lunch table to sit by a new student and welcome him into the SMSA community.


We all look forward to partnering with you for a successful school year. Thank you for making the transition back to school a smooth one for your child(ren).


The Ledger Way is alive and well!


Love and Logic Tip of the Week 

Wise parents never try to convince their kids that their decisions are fair.


God Bless,

Steven Kelnhofer

News and Information

Morning Drop off Reminder for PreK - 5th Grade

The South Hall doors open at 7:50 a.m. each morning. They will lock again at 8:00 a.m. when the school day starts. Students are to remain outside in the holding zone behind school if they arrive before 7:50 a.m. This “holding zone” service starts at 7:35 a.m. The other choice would be to enroll in the Before School Care program.


Students will be let in early if it’s determined they will be too wet by standing outside or if it is below zero windchill.


Thank you for your help and understanding. 

Upcoming Dates

Grade 2 - 5 Rotating Chapel Mass - Friday, September 13

Please join us in the Chapel of St. Mary: Our Lady of the Ledge on Friday, September 13, 2019 as Grades 2, 3 and 4 will be in attendance.  Mass will begin at 8:15 a.m.


Make sure to stop at the North or South Hall office for a visitors pass.


Class lead: Mrs. Flatt’s Grade 4

Classes attending: Mrs. Staerzl (Grade 4), Mrs. Packer (Grade 3), Mrs. Ebert (Grade 2) and Mrs. Maurer (Grade 2)

Grade 6 - 12 Rotating Chapel Mass - Friday, September 13

Please join us in the Chapel of St. Mary: Our Lady of the Ledge on Friday, September 13, 2019 as Grade 8 will be in attendance.  Mass will begin at 9:20 a.m.


Make sure to stop at the North or South Hall office for a visitors pass.

Read-a_Palooza Summer Reading Challenge - extended to September 13th

Did you miss the midnight deadline on Friday, September 6, 2019 to log your summer reading minutes? Well, you still have time!  Email Lisa at by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, September 13, 2019 to have your minutes included.


*The scholastic website was giving some families problems last week, so please email Lisa your minutes. 

Boy Scouts - September 17th

Hello Scouting Families,

Hopefully your first week of school went well! Pack 3707’s Welcome Back Kick-Off will be held Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the Holy Family Church Hall (271 Fourth St Way).  Pizza will be provided


Please click here for more information.

Please click here to view the flyer.

School Picture Day - September 25th and 26th

Grades PreK – 5 Picture Day will be held Wednesday and Thursday, September 25 and 26, 2019.


Please click here to view the schedule.

Fall and Spring Sacramental Preparation - Last Day to Register is October 10th

The Sacramental Preparation Program will begin with First Reconciliation at the end of September.  Before the first, and every meeting continuously throughout the year, reminders will be placed in the e-Ledger.  Please make it a priority to check the e-Ledger to ensure that you do not miss any of these important meetings.


Registration opened on July 7, 2019 and the last day to register is October 10, 2019, no late registrations will be accepted.


Please click here for more information and to register.

Before/After School Care News

No news at this time.

Parent Connectors - Join us Today

Do you want to become more involved at SMSA?  Join our Parent Connectors Group! This group organizes school events for families to enjoy as well as recognizing our fabulous SMSA staff in various ways. 


Please click here to print a copy of the volunteer form and return it to school by Friday, September 13, 2019. Help is needed in many ways from donating items, volunteering your time with planning and/or helping at events, etc. 


If you would like more information, please contact either Andrea Nuss at or Katie Mathos at