From the Office of Steve Kelnhofer, PreK - 8th Grade Principal

Dear Parents,

As the last bits of slime are oozing down a drain somewhere, I want to thank you for helping to making our conferences and book fair so wonderful! It’s beautiful to see all the activity in the building and see the excitement and buzz around the school.


Please take note to the messages below regarding next week. As a reminder, the last day to wear shorts to school is Thursday, October 31, 2019. 


God Bless,

Steve Kelnhofer


Love and Logic Tip of the Week: Wise teachers know how to give guidance while keeping responsibility for the problem squarely on their student’s shoulders.

Wear Red for Red Ribbon Week - October 31st

We will be observing Red Ribbon Day on Thursday, October 31, 2019. Students from PreK – 8 may wear jeans (no holes) or sweats and a red top.


Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States. It began as a tribute to fallen DEA special agent, Enrique Camerena, in 1985. According to the United States DEA, Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s largest and longest-running drug awareness and prevention program.

Halloween Celebrations - November 1st

Students from PreK – 5 will be celebrating Halloween on November 1, 2019 in the afternoon. Please have your child/children bring their costume and they will change into them in the afternoon. We plan on going to parade to the Mother House (320 Co Road K) around 1:15 p.m. and then returning to enjoy an afternoon of Halloween fun in the classrooms. 


Please no gory/bloody or demonic type costumes.  Masks and weapons of any kind are not allowed.

News and Information

Seeking Elves R’ Us Shoppers

Elves R Us is looking for shoppers to purchase items for the event.  Items are being collected for the 2019 and 2020 events.  


Please click here to view the flyer for more information!


To start shopping for the event, please contact Dawn Blanck at or Jen Kebble at


Elves R’ Us is a Christmas event that 8th graders have managed for over 25 years.  The 8th graders interview “elves” for jobs to help PreK – 5th grade students shop for Christmas gifts for their friends and families.  Funds raised for this event will go towards the 8th grade class, as well as to SMSA and a local family/community group in need.

Big Money Raffle Tickets

If you were not able to attend conferences last week Wednesday and Thursday, October 16th and 17th, your youngest child in the System will be bringing home your families Big Money Raffle tickets today, Thursday, October 24th. Please check with them or check their backpacks.


Five (5) tickets per SMSA family are included in the letter that is being sent home. We urge each family to sell and/or purchase their tickets, each families participation is vital to the success of Big Money Raffle.


If you have any questions, please contact one of the Big Money Raffle Committee members, Kelly Baker, Colleen Ahern, Jill Stone and Juli Blanck, with any questions.


Thank you for your support and participation.

Upcoming Dates

Grade 2 - 5 Rotating Chapel Mass - Friday, October 25th

Please join us in the Chapel of St. Mary: Our Lady of the Ledge on Friday, October 25, 2019. Mass will begin at 8:15 a.m.


Make sure to stop at the North or South Hall office for a visitors pass.


Class lead: Mrs. Wuest, Grade 4

Classes attending: Mrs. Kuechenberg (Grade 5), Mrs. Sippel (Grade 5), Mrs. Johnson (Grade 3), Mrs. Teofilo (Grade 3) and Mrs. Garlow (Grade 2)

Grade 6 - 12 Rotating Chapel Mass - Friday, October 25th

Please join us in the Chapel of St. Mary: Our Lady of the Ledge on Friday, October, 25, 2019 as Grade 10 will be in attendance. Mass will begin at 9:20 a.m.


Make sure to stop at the North or South Hall office for a visitors pass.

Box Tops for Education (Grade PreK - 5) - Deadline October 28th

We will be collecting Box Tops during the month of October.  Please see the below PDFs for information and the collection sheet.

Click here for more information.

Click here for the collection sheet.

Origami Paper and/or Book Donations - Donations Due October 31st

We will be celebrating Origami Day on Monday, November 11, 2019 in the Library and are looking for donations of origami paper and/or books that you have around the house. Paper and books will be used throughout the month of November.


Please send donations to the South Office by Thursday, October 31, 2019. Please label your books with name and homeroom if you want them returned to your child.

Grade 6 - 8 Dance and Activity Night - November 1st

There will be a Dance and Activity night for students in grades 6 – 8 on Friday, November 1, 2019. This event will take place from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at SMSA in Baker Gym. Cost for the dance will be $1. The theme will be Halloween costumes! Students are encouraged to wear costumes, but not required. 


If you wish to wear a Halloween costume we do ask to make sure it is school appropriate. Please no gory/bloody or demonic type of costumes (no devil horns or red eye contacts, etc.). Also, for safety purposes, please no masks. This way we can identify all students in attendance. 


If you prefer not to wear a costume then feel free to wear jeans (with no holes) and a school appropriate t-shirt (no tank tops). Athletic shorts of appropriate length will be permitted as well as sweat pants (no leggings or yoga pants).

Before/After School Care News

No news at this time.

Parent Connectors - Join us Today

If you would like more information, please contact either Andrea Nuss at or Katie Mathos at