Dear Parents and Guardians,
Our first quarter ends on Friday, October 30th. Did you know Skyward offers the ability for an app for your phone? Within this app, you can set up weekly reports about your child’s grades and attendance. One can view learning and report cards present and past. We will be asking parents/guardians to electronically sign report cards through Skyward. We look forward to seeing your e-signature after Friday, October 30, 2020. Directions will be provided in next week’s eLedger. Thank you for your continued partnership in educating children.
Next week is Spirit Week
We will be celebrating the end of our first quarter on the Ledge with a spirit week Monday, October 26th – Friday, October 30th.
Monday, October 26th – Red, White and Blue! Show your pride in our country. Please keep political wear at home. God bless the USA!
Tuesday, October 27th – Spirit Wear! Flex your Ledger pride by wearing school spirit to school! Go Ledgers!
Wednesday, October 28th – Neon Colors! Wear your brightest or neon colored clothes. Shine bright!
Thursday, October 29th – Pajama Day! Wear your jammies to school. No sleeping! 🙂
Friday, October 30th – Halloween Parties! P3 – 5th wear your costume! 6th – 8th mismatched outfits
*Students must wear outfits that are appropriate and in good standing with SMSA’s Ledger Way. If your student(s) chooses to not wear a Spirit Week outfit one or all of the days, they must come to school in their approved uniform.
For a printable version of Spirit Week dress up days, please click here.
Halloween Parties
On Friday, October 30th, we will be hosting classroom Halloween parties. Please send your child in their costume for grades P3 – 5. We’ll be starting our day with learning and conclude with controlled parties starting at 10:30 a.m. Please look for more information about classroom parties from your classroom teachers in the coming days.
Early Release
Students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, October 30th for an early release.
Dress Code Reminders
As October comes to a close, school shorts must be packed away until spring. Friday, October 30th is the last day students may wear shorts to school.
Students are expected to dress appropriately for a Catholic school environment. Any clothing that interferes with or disrupts the educational environment is unacceptable. Clothing should fit properly, be neat, clean and conform to standards of safety, good taste and decency.
Parents/guardians have the responsibility of ensuring that their student(s) report to school appropriately dressed, clean and neat in appearance. To review approved school uniform selections, go to the Lands’ End website by clicking here. Use school code, 900157314. Any item available to order on the SMSA dedicated Lands’ End website is dress code approved. This includes school uniform girls iron knee leggings for girls until 5th grade. Extended sizing options are available. Uniforms are optional for half-day P3 and K4 students.
Thank you for your partnership in our community. Thank you for sharing the educational journey with us. Together, we are growing global leaders for tomorrow.
God Bless,
Steve Kelnhofer