Message from the P3 - Grade 5 Principal, Steven Kelnhofer

Veterans Day Ceremony – November 12th

We are celebrating Veterans Day on November 12th, 2018  from 8:05 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. in Baker Gym.  We are inviting parents who are currently serving or who have served in the military to join us and be honored and blessed.  


Our goal is for our students to leave with a better understanding and appreciation for those who showed great leadership, respect and responsibility for our country and are great examples of what Jesus said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – John 15:13

God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer

Upcoming Events/News

Electronic Report Cards - Available November 9th

Elementary report cards are being posted electronically via Family Access in Skyward.
Below you will find the information necessary for you to view your child/children’s report card for the first three quarters of school.  For the final quarter, you will be receiving a hard copy.  We are asking for your electronic signature after reviewing the electronic postings to verify receipt.


Please follow the steps below to view report cards.
1. Login into Family Access
2. Click on the Portfolio tab on the left side
3. Look for your child’s name
4. Under Description, find the document labeled 2018-19 Qtr 1 report card
5. Click the document title, the Electronic Signature box will appear
6. Click View Report to see your child’s report card

7. After you review the report card, click the small box, I Agree

8. Click Submit Signature when you are finished

If you have any questions regarding the steps to view the report card, please contact the following:
Elementary- Jo Gilgenbach at or High School – Bobbijo Amerling at

Box Tops Contest Reminder - Tomorrow is the last day, November 9th

Tomorrow, Friday, November 9th, is the last day to turn in your Box Tops sheets. 


Please click here to view and print out the collection sheet.

Elementary Mass - November 16th

Join us Friday, November 16, 2018 as our elementary students lead us in prayer in The Chapel of St. Mary at SMSA.

November 16th schedule:

8:10 a.m. – Mrs. Maurer’s 2nd grade class will lead us in prayer.
9:00 a.m. – Ms. Teofilo’s 3rd grade class will lead us in prayer.


Mrs. Roberts and Ms. Schneider’s classes will be in attendance for the 8:10 a.m. service.


Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Staerzl and Mrs. Townsend’s classes will be in attendance for the 9:00 a.m. service.

Penny Wars, A Message from the Christians in Action Club - November 12th - 14th

In early November, Mrs. Norton’s $100 Challenge was introduced to the Middle School’s Christians in Action Club.  We were challenged to use our $100 to make the greatest impact in the community by spreading kindness, joy and love.  Teams with the most impactful project will be featured in The Ledge magazine this winter.


Our team, Rosaline, Margaret and Arriana, decided to host an Elementary Penny Wars (grades K – 5th), using our $100 to offer a class incentive for the winning grade level.  We hope to raise even more money that can be used to support the local animal shelter where we intend to provide supplies and spend time volunteering.

RULES: Each grade will have a bucket located in the South Hall lobby (just outside the office doors) labeled Kindergarten through 5th grade. The goal is to have the most pennies in your grade level bucket by end of day Wednesday, November 14, 2018.  If you place other amounts of money in other teams’ jars, it’ll subtract from their total.  For example, $1 will subtract 100 pennies; $5 will subtract 500 pennies; and $10 dollars…that’s 1,000 pennies subtracted!  Nickels, dimes and quarters will count against another team’s score as well!

The winning grade will get an ICE CREAM PARTY hosted by our Christians in Action Club team, Rosaline, Margaret and Arriana!

Original Works - Orders Due November 13th

Original Works is a school fundraiser that transforms each child’s artwork into individual, quality products that can be shared with family and friends!  Items that can be ordered range from garden flags to coffee mugs. 


Look for your K – 5th grade student(s) artwork to come home in the next few weeks along with an Original Works order form.  Orders will need to be turned in by Tuesday, November 13, 2018.    


All money raised from the Original Works Fundraiser will go to supporting the Elementary and Middle School Art Programs here at SMSA.  Thank You for your support of the Visual Arts at SMSA!

LedgerExpress - December 9th

The LedgerExpress is SMSA’s take on the hit movie, The Polar Express.  The commons area and Baker gym are transformed into a winter wonderland filled with different crafts, a Christmas movie and children are encouraged to dress in their favorite pajamas.  


Next week, please watch your child’s folder for the LedgerExpress reservation form.


This year’s event will be held on Sunday, December 9, 2018 from 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.   

Before/After School Care News

Sign Out Reminder

Please remember to sign your child/children out after school by using the touchpad by the cubbies in the After School care room.

Childcare Help Needed After School

We are looking for an energetic kind person to help us in after school care from 2:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. on school nights.  This would be a paid position for anyone in high school or older that is willing to work with children.


Please contact Mr. Kelnhofer in the South Hall or Carrie Wiza in the Business Office.  We are looking to fill this position immediately. Please deliver this message to people you think would be a good fit for this position.

Parent Connectors

Would you like to become more involved with our SMSA Parent Connectors Group?  If you are interested in helping with honoring our SMSA Staff each month, conference meals or Staff Appreciation Week, please email any of the parents below.  Andrea Nuss, Valerie Everson, Katie Mathos or Jill Harmon


We would love to get elementary school parents involved in these school wide events!  We look forward to hearing from you!