Waiting on Steve’s Message
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Waiting on Steve’s Message
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Reminder, students will be released at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, November 2nd, 2018 due to Teacher In-Service. Since there is no Enrichment, morning P3 and 4K will be released at 11:15 a.m.
Child care is full.
Box Tops collection contest is back again this year! Each day, 3 student names will be drawn and announced to select a prize (students must turn in a filled Box Tops sheet to be eligible).
At the end of the week, the grade level with the most completed sheets will be treated to a popcorn, pretzel and juice party. Date to be determined by the top grade level teachers.
Please click here to view the collection sheet.
The Girl Scout Troop meeting will be held on Thursday, November 8, 2018 from 3:20 p.m. – 4:35 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room (4011).
Join us Friday, November 9, 2018 as our elementary students lead us in prayer in The Chapel of St. Mary at SMSA.
November 9th schedule:
8:10 a.m. – Mrs. Garlow’s 2nd grade class will lead us in prayer.
9:00 a.m. – Ms. Flatt’s 4th grade class will lead us in prayer.
Mrs. Hurst and Mrs. Giese’s classes will be in attendance for the 8:10 a.m. service.
Mrs. Packer, Mrs. Wuest, Mrs. Kuechenberg and Mrs. Sippel’s classes will be in attendance for the 9:00 a.m. service.
Original Works is a school fundraiser that transforms each child’s artwork into individual, quality products that can be shared with family and friends! Items that can be ordered range from garden flags to coffee mugs.
Look for your K – 5th grade student(s) artwork to come home in the next few weeks along with an Original Works order form. Orders will need to be turned in by Tuesday, November 13, 2018.
All money raised from the Original Works Fundraiser will go to supporting the Elementary and Middle School Art Programs here at SMSA. Thank You for your support of the Visual Arts at SMSA!
Reminder, students will be released at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, November 2nd, 2018 due to Teacher In-Service. As of now, childcare is full. Since there is no Enrichment, P3 and 4K will be released at 11:15 a.m.
We are looking for an energetic kind person to help us in after school care from 2:45 – 5:00 p.m. on school nights. This would be a paid position for anyone in high school or older that is willing to work with children.
Please contact Mr. Kelnhofer in the South Hall or Carrie Wiza in the Business Office. We are looking to fill this position immediately. Please deliver this message to people you think would be a good fit for this position.
Would you like to become more involved with our SMSA Parent Connectors Group? If you are interested in helping with honoring our SMSA Staff each month, conference meals or Staff Appreciation Week, please email any of the parents below. Andrea Nuss, Valerie Everson, Katie Mathos or Jill Harmon.
We would love to get elementary school parents involved in these school wide events! We look forward to hearing from you!