Dear Parents/Guardians,                                                       


It’s hard to believe the school year is already winding down.  Next week is filled with activity and excitement as the last week of school always provides to a school environment.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to SMSA’s front office if you have questions about the end of the school year.  


Monday, May 17th – SMSA will enjoy a spirit wear day with jeans with a suggested donation for Fr. Fabian’s order.   Students will view an educational piece on Friday, May 14th related to their donation.  We will also have a special May crowning in the morning on May 14th.  


Tuesday or Wednesday, May 18th or 19th – the children at various grade levels will enjoy a half day of fun in the sun with various stations in our modified field day. 


Teachers will be sending out more detailed information about your child’s day.  


Thursday, May 20th – is the eighth graders big day, as they celebrate their graduation at Holy Family beginning at 6:00 p.m.  


Friday, May 21st – will include yearbook signing and an 11:00 a.m. dismissal for grades P3 – grade 8.  This is to reduce the traffic congestion for the school system.  


Grades P3 – grade 5 will bring home a hard copy of their report cards and other assessment pieces as well.  Grades 6 – 8 will have their Skyward electronic report card available for the parents Friday afternoon.  

Thank you for partnering with us through the school year.  We have an amazing community that strives for excellence as we partner together to create a better tomorrow. 


God Bless,

Steven Kelnhofer

Elementary Principal, SMSA

Upcoming Dates

Jeans and Spirit Wear Fundraiser - Monday, May 17th

Wear jeans and spirit wear on Monday, May 17th, to raise money for Fr. Fabian’s order, The Missionary Fraternity of Mary! A suggested donation of $3 to $5 will support the order, dedicated to educating and ordaining young men to bring the good news and the sacraments to Catholics all over the world.

To learn more, click here to view a video from Fr. Fabian and Fr. Ryan!

Eighth grade graduation - May 20th

Eighth grade graduation will be held on Thursday, May 20, 2021 at Holy Family at 6:00 p.m.  The ceremony and Mass will open to families as the family sees fit for guests.

Chromebook Returns - May 21st

Elementary and middle school students are required to return their chromebooks (and chargers) at the end of the school year. To assist with the organization of hundreds of machines, the students should leave their chromebooks in their homeroom. Each teacher will receive a checklist of students and the chromebooks they have checked out. After the chromebooks have been returned, Justin Poetzel will move them out of your classroom as early as possible. Here are some guidelines for streamlining this process:


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Justin Poetzel at

Last Day of School - May 21st

Grades P3-8 will let out at 11:00 a.m., on Friday, May 21st, to relieve traffic patterns.

Swing Fore Springs Presents: The Hyland Open - July 30th

In celebration of Bob Hyland’s 50th season as SMSA’s head football coach, Swing Fore Springs 2021 is excited to present: The Hyland Open! 


Mark your calendar and join the fun on Friday, July 30th. Gather your foursome and click here to register to golf at one of two premier Fond du Lac golf courses, Whispering Springs Golf Club and South Hills Golf & Country Club.


After golf, a social celebration will be held at Avenue 795 (F.K.A. the KC Hall), come and enjoy drinks, food and fundraising to celebrate SMSA and Coach Bob Hyland. Registration is required for dinner to ensure an accurate count, due to Covid restrictions. You do not have to attend golf to attend the dinner. Click here to register.

For more information regarding the golf outing, social or to volunteer for the event, please contact Kristin Zitlow at

Volunteers Needed - Swing Fore Springs - July 30th

Help support SMSA during our Swing Fore Springs golf outing on Friday, July 30, 2021 by volunteering for this fun summer event. Click here to view and sign up for volunteer opportunities today!

News and Information

Thank you SMSA Families!

Staff Appreciation Week was a huge success and that was because of YOU! Thank you to all the SMSA families who donated towards the Chameleon food truck and/or the many sweet treats the staff received last week! We couldn’t have done it without you! The staff enjoyed their special week!


Thank you!

Parent Connectors Group

Scholarship Opportunities

None at this time.


Before/After School Care News

No news at this time.


Parent Connectors - Join us Today

If you have any questions, please contact either Andrea Nuss, or Katie Mathos,