Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,
Can you believe that spring break is next week?  A time where we can take a break from instruction and studies.

Let us take this time to relax with our family and friends while we enjoy our relationship with them.  Let’s find some time for fun and conversation; often times, this is when we can find our Lord.

Lent also offers us a time to reflect.  Spend some time reflecting with your child/children.  Teach them it’s good to think about our day and how we can thank God for the blessing He gives us.  Teach them our God is full of mercy and forgives us when we fail to love.

Lent gives us time to refresh.  Help your family refresh their inner spirit and let the light of Christ shine through them to all the world.  

God Bless, and I can’t wait to see all the smiling faces when school resumes after some time of relaxing, reflecting and refreshing!

God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer

Please note-Forward Testing will begin for grades 3 – 5 when we return from break.  Please help your student bring in a pair of earbuds or headphones for testing purposes by March 21st.  Thank you for your help.

Upcoming Events/News

IMPORTANT HEALTH UPDATE: Help keep our school healthy. There has been a high number of absences due to illness recently. Please review the Nurse Notes, below System Information, to review the important health guidelines and SMSA school policies.

Before/After School Care News

No news this week.