Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,


Welcome back to SMSA after our week away on break!   The SMSA staff and faculty were excited to see all the bright smiles and eagerness to learn.  It’s always fun to hear the adventures students share upon their return. 
This week, third through fifth grade students are practicing for the Forward Exam that will take place in the coming weeks.  All students will be tested in English, Language, Arts, and Math. In addition, fourth grade students will be tested in Social Studies and Science as well.  We look forward to the results as we use this data to continually improve SMSA within our growth mindset culture. Please provide your student(s) with a pair of headphones/earbuds for the speaking part of the test if you have not already done so.  Thank you in advance for your help.
It was exciting to see some good news stories over the last couple of days!  Our third grade class was pictured in the Action Advertiser displaying their Lenten Project.  I also received a beautiful thank you note from Hospice Home of Hope for the monthly fifth grade place mats that the class created for the residents.   

God Bless,
Mr. Kelnhofer

Upcoming Events/News

IMPORTANT HEALTH UPDATE: Help keep our school healthy. There has been a high number of absences due to illness recently. Please review the Nurse Notes, below System Information, to review the important health guidelines and SMSA school policies.

Before/After School Care News

No news this week.