Dear Parents/Guardians,
What a fun week we’ve had celebrating Dr. Seuss!. Enthusiasm for reading is always exciting, especially when you pair it with students getting the opportunity to share and express their personalities with special dress up days. Please feel free to finish the week with green eggs and ham for a weekend breakfast or make some OOBLEK! Click here for the recipe.
Staff and Faculty Vaccination Day – March 5th and April 1st
I’m excited to inform you SMSA has the opportunity to offer vaccinations to its faculty and staff on Friday, March 5, 2021 and then again on April 1, 2021. In partnership with the Fond du Lac County Health Dept. and in partnership with the high school side of SMSA, P3 – 8th grade will be on the Ledge and in school for learning both of these days. Faculty and staff will have this opportunity because we’ll be having various SMSA teachers and staff from the SMSA building supervise and keep learning moving forward in classrooms for an estimated hour during the afternoons of both of the dates listed above. Thank you for your understanding and partnership.
As we prepare for March and April, here are a couple of dates to keep in mind as you schedule your spring activities. The third quarter is coming to a conclusion on Friday, March 12, 2021. Students will not be in school on this day.
Grades 3 through 8 will begin practice testing for the Forward test on Monday, March 29. Forward testing will begin On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 and conclude on Wednesday, April 16, 2021. Please partner with us and have your child attend school during Forward testing. Thank you.
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Friday, March 12, 2021: No school for students. Grading day
Monday – Friday, March 22nd – March 26th: Spring Break
Friday and Monday, April 2nd and April 5th: No school for students. Celebrating Easter
Wednesday – Friday, April 7 – April 16: Forward tests for grades 3 – 8.
Ledger Learning Guide
Parents are always encouraged to check the SMSA Ledger Learning Guides Home Page to see weekly learning targets, resources and expectations in every course. Parental partnership in helping students stay organized and focused on learning is always appreciated.