From the Office of Steve Kelnhofer, P3 - 5th Grade Principal

News from the South Hall

Dear Parents,


MAPS testing

MAPS testing is under way for our second through fifth grade students.  Testing will occur throughout the month of January.   This assessment will provide a snapshot of how students have progressed during the first part of the school year.  Each student will take a math and reading assessment. This information will be used to help create educational instruction for students in various ways.


New Face to After School Care
After School Care will have some new faces through the middle part of January.   Ms. Karli and Ms. Lydia will be helping us out while Ms. Emily and Ms. Virginia enjoy a little vacation time.  Ms. Karli and Ms. Lydia are SMSA alumnae and we welcome them to After School Care to help us out for a few weeks.


Second Quarter Ending
The second quarter is coming to an end at the end of next week.  Look for online report cards to be ready for viewing and sign by January 25, 2019. Skyward is a good resource to check in on occasion during the quarter to see how your student or students are performing throughout the quarter.


Yearbook Orders – due February 14th

Yearbook order forms will be coming home soon via backpack.  Please be on the lookout for them in the coming days.  They are due back by February 14, 2019.


God bless and make 2019 amazing!


Steven Kelnhofer

Upcoming Events/News

Elementary Mass - January 11th

Join us Friday, January 11, 2019 as our elementary students lead us in prayer in The Chapel of St. Mary at SMSA.


January 11th schedule:

K-2nd Grade Mass 8:10 – 8:50 a.m.

Mrs. Berres’ 1st grade class will lead us in prayer.

3rd-5th Grade Mass 9 – 9:45 a.m.

Mrs. Townsend’s 5th grade class will lead us in prayer.


Mrs. Kraus, Mrs. Welker and Mrs. Ebert’s classes will be in attendance for the 8:10 a.m. service.


Mrs. Johnson, Ms. Teofilo and Mrs. Staerzl’s classes will be in attendance for the 9:00 a.m. service.

Before/After School Care News

No news at this time.

Parent Connectors

Would you like to become more involved with our SMSA Parent Connectors Group?  If you are interested in helping with honoring our SMSA Staff each month, conference meals or Staff Appreciation Week, please email any of the parents below.  Andrea Nuss, Valerie Everson, Katie Mathos or Jill Harmon


We would love to get elementary school parents involved in these school wide events!  We look forward to hearing from you!