Dear Parents and Guardians,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! This week we celebrate the Epiphany, in which the Magi arrive and give gifts to our Lord. This thought causes me to stop and think about the question, what gifts do we have to offer to our Lord? This leads to a greater second question, do I offer these gifts to the Lord in moments throughout the day?
Thank you for sharing the precious gifts of your children with us at SMSA. Seeing their smiles return to school brought me great joy. I love seeing the life blood of the school flowing into and throughout the building. Children sure have a knack of bringing an environment alive.
Please know the leadership at SMSA is continually monitoring and evaluating the school procedures and protocols of the Return to the Ledge document. As we continue to learn new information and collect data, we will continue to make adjustments as we navigate the school year.
As always, I appreciate your support and understanding of the responsibility in partnering with us to keep learning happening on the Ledge.
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Second Quarter Ends – January 15th
No School – January 15th
Reporter Cards Accessible in Skyward – January 22nd
Ledger Learning Guide
Parents are always encouraged to check the SMSA Ledger Learning Guides Home Page to see weekly learning targets, resources and expectations in every course. Parental partnership in helping students stay organized and focused on learning is always appreciated.