Dear Parents and Guardians,
What is your resolution this year? What gifts do you have to offer the Lord all the moments of our days? These two questions work in collaboration to welcome us to 2022, and celebrate the Epiphany on January 6th. Both the new year and the epiphany offer gifts to us, as the Magi offered their gifts to Jesus. The new year offers us the gift of opportunity to begin anew with a New Year’s resolution. The Epiphany of our Lord is celebrated to reveal the Our Savior and announce His coming to the world. The Epiphany gives us the question of what gift do I bring Jesus, as the Magi offered gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. We have the gift of thinking about how we can use our God Given gifts to better ourselves, influence those around us and change the world. What are you going to do this year to make life a gift?
The second quarter is coming to its conclusion on January 20, 2022. This leaves approximately two weeks to the conclusion. Skyward is an awesome communication tool to keep up to date with grades. Please feel free to take a look into Skyward and see where your child(ren) are being successful and may need some more growth. Learning is a continuum of inquiring and applying knowledge and skills. Thank you for being partners in the journey of learning.
School Safety/Upcoming Initiatives
Every Ledger’s safety is the top priority for all who serve at the Springs. As such, SMSA takes responsibility to establish and conduct various safety audits and drills throughout the school year. Parents likely remember fire and tornado drills from your previous school days. As required by the Wisconsin Department of Justice and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and in partnership with local and regional educational leaders and first responders from healthcare and law enforcement, SMSA is developing additional plans and drills to help our school community be better prepared for a variety of emergency scenarios. We believe that by establishing, communicating, and then practicing a comprehensive set of safety drills, SMSA will be best prepared to manage potentially difficult situations more effectively.
Later this month and school year, SMSA leadership shall communicate new versions of emergency plans and safety drills with parents. We plan to practice these best approaches with students, faculty and staff. Please watch for more detailed communications about safety plans and drills, and for new resources designed to help parents effectively discuss safety with their children.
At SMSA, we take school safety seriously, and strive to provide a healthy school culture and positive learning environment. We fully understand the important role parents play as our partners to accomplish this goal. It really does take everyone staying alert and working together to keep our Ledgers safe. As always, if you or your child become aware of a potentially dangerous situation that may threaten campus safety, we urge you to contact the Fond du Lac Police Department. To report life threatening urgent matters, please dial 9-1-1. To report concerns that may not be urgent, please call 920-322-3700. You may also call the elementary school main office at 920-322-8046.
Thank you for your continued partnership with SMSA. Together we create a path for tomorrow’s children to achieve amazing dreams.
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Elementary Principal, SMSA
Standard Based Grading
Please select the following six links to see the box set of SBG at SMSA.