Dear Parents,
As a reminder, Elementary students may head to the lower back playground to be supervised beginning at 7:30 a.m. They will enter the building at 7:45 a.m. to head to their classrooms. Students are allowed in to school at 7:35 a.m. if the weather is inclement.
Read Across America Day!
SMSA will be celebrating Dr. Seuss and Read Across America Day on Friday, March 1, 2019. Here are the activities we have planned to celebrate:
1. Reading Log Challenge
Reading logs were sent home with all K – 5th grade students on Friday, February 22, 2019. Students are to log their at home reading minutes each day and return the log on Friday, March 1, 2019. Students from each grade level with the highest amount of minutes read, will earn a free book and poster from our Parent Connectors group.
2. Dress up Day
On March 1, 2019, students may wear a crazy hat and/or mix match socks with their uniforms. Students who have Mass that morning will be asked to leave their hats in the classroom during Mass.
3. Buddy up and Read
Classrooms will be buddied up to spend 15 – 30 minutes of partner reading. Teachers will decide a time and place that works best for them on Friday, March 1, 2019 to meet and read.
Ledgerfest 2019 – CALLING ALL HEROES – Saturday, March 9th
Haven’t registered yet for this fun event, please click here to register today!
Hope to see you all there!
God Bless,
Steve Kelnhofer