Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

Celebrating Catholic Schools this week, has lead to a vast amount of smiles and joy!  We experienced a celebration of faith, community, nation, students, faculty, staff, parents, and volunteers.  Together, we build a beautiful educational experience for our youth.  This education embraces their journey of growth towards a brighter tomorrow.  Thank you for being a foundation in your child/children’s experience.

We will be celebrating the 100th day of school on February 6th.  To help us celebrate, an auction winner from last year, has chosen for our students to dress as if they were 100 years old.  It will be exciting to see the respectful and creative ideas come through the doors on February 6th!

With Valentine’s Day falling on Good Friday this year, we’ve decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 13th in the afternoon.  Please look for more communication from your classrooms regarding classroom parties.

Lastly, please remember to electronically sign your child/children’s report card(s) from the second quarter using your families Skyward account.

God Bless,

Steven Kelnhofer


Upcoming Events
No news this week.
Before/After School Care News

Dear Parents,

We have reached our goal of 30 students for this Fridays early release after school care.

A friendly reminder for students signed up for childcare this Friday, please remember to pack a lunch; we will not be serving hot lunch.

Thank you and have a great week!