Christmas Break - December 24th - January 1st

There will be no school beginning Monday, December 24th – Tuesday, January 1st, resuming on Wednesday, January 2, 2019.


The  Business and Scrip Office will be closed during this time as well.


There will be no eLedger next week Thursday, December 27, 2018.

Friday Dress Day - December 21st

To celebrate the last day before Christmas break, students may dress in their pajamas all day.  

Slippers and footed pajamas will not be permitted.  Students must wear appropriate shoes.  If your child/children choose not to wear pajamas, they must come to school in their uniform (P3 and 4K must dress in their usual school clothing)

From the Office of Steve Kelnhofer, P3 - 5th Grade Principal

News from the South Hall

Christmas is right around the corner!  I love all the joy and hope students exhibit this time of year; it helps me remember what is most important during this holiday season!


Friday, December 21, 2018 Pajama Day

On Friday, December 21, 2018 all elementary students may wear pajamas to school unless directed differently by a homeroom teacher.  It will be a comfortable day as we gather one last time for 2018.  Students will be enjoying a snack of popcorn in the afternoon while they watch a Christmas movie with their friends and classmates.  Please make sure not to send your child/children to school in slippers or footie pajamas.  They must wear school appropriate shoes.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!  May God be with you during your travels!  

God Bless,
Mr. Kelnhofer

Upcoming Events/News

Elementary Mass - December 21st

Join us Friday, December 21st as our elementary students lead us in prayer in The Chapel of St. Mary at SMSA.


December 21st schedule:

K-2nd Grade Mass 8:10 – 8:50 a.m.

Ms. Schneider’s 1st grade class will lead us in prayer.

3rd-5th Grade Mass 9 – 9:45 a.m.

Mrs. Packer’s 3rd grade class will lead us in prayer.


Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Maurer’s classes will be in attendance for the 8:10 a.m. service.


Mrs. Wuest, Ms. Flatt, Mrs. Kuechenberg and Mrs. Sippel classes will be in attendance for the 9:00 a.m. service.

Before/After School Care News

Childcare closed - December 24th - January 1st

Childcare will be closed from December 24th through January 1st.  


We will see everyone back on January 2, 2019!  Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Parent Connectors

Would you like to become more involved with our SMSA Parent Connectors Group?  If you are interested in helping with honoring our SMSA Staff each month, conference meals or Staff Appreciation Week, please email any of the parents below.  Andrea Nuss, Valerie Everson, Katie Mathos or Jill Harmon


We would love to get elementary school parents involved in these school wide events!  We look forward to hearing from you!