Dear Parents,
Advent is the season to prepare for the coming of Christ. As we prepare, remember to set aside some time for silence; silence, is where we can meet our Lord.
At school, students are preparing by performing concerts, completing service projects and learning more about the season of Advent. One of our biggest service projects is our Christmas card sale project for Brenna. Please click here for more information on Brenna.
Please support our cause by purchasing a card or two at any Holy Family Mass the weekend of December 7th and 8th. Thank you!
Love and Logic Tip of the Week: Rash responses do little to teach. Empathy teaches empathy.
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
MAPS Testing
Students from grades 2-8 will be taking the winter MAPS test starting January 6th and will complete them by January 30th.
Christmas Concerts
Christmas concerts are in full swing!
Below is a timeline of the dates:
Tuesday, December 10th and 11th, grades 5 – 8 get to showcase their musical talents in band and choir concerts.
Thursday, December 19th, will be our P3 program in the Chapel in the morning.
Please click here to visit our Events Calendar for more details.
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer