Message from the P3 - Grade 5 Principal, Steven Kelnhofer

Dear Families,


This year, K – grade 5 Masses will be scheduled as follows:

K – grade 2 – Friday mornings at 8:10 a.m.

Grade 3 – 5 – Friday mornings at 9:00 a.m.

These Masses will be single grade level Masses and will rotate every three weeks.  Students will also be attending System Masses at Holy Family once each month.  Teachers will be providing parents information for when your child’s class will be leading the chapel Masses so you may attend. This information is available on the Elementary School calendar as well, Please click here to view the calendar and select “elementary”.


Chapel Time

Another change you will notice this school year is an opportunity for you to pray with your child in the chapel.  We will be offering three opportunities over the course of the school year for parents to join their child for “Chapel Time”.  This time will allow you to share your faith and reflection with your child. Chapel Time will occur at 8:10 a.m. in the morning and last between 15 and 25 minutes based on ages of the children.  Teachers or students will be providing a conversation point, reflection, reading or various other avenues to unleash the faith for all of us.  Small moments are special times we can find and share a relationship with Jesus and each other.  Please get dates from your child’s teacher and add them to your calendars.  Your child will love to see you there!


Hug and Go Lanes and Drop Off/Pick Up

A couple of reminders as we start the school year: Please use the Hug and Go lane for quick drop off and make sure to pull as far forward as possible when dropping off.  Please note, you are not to park and leave your vehicle unattended while using the Hug and Go, if you need to park and walk your child into school, please use the provided parking spaces.  Use the west side of the drop off beyond the entrance of school if your child is kindergarten or older. There is a lovely wide sidewalk for your child to walk on to arrive at the school doors.  Students kindergarten and older may walk to the back lower playground starting at 7:30 and will be supervised and let into the building at 7:45.  After 7:45, they may walk right into the building using the South Hall entrance.  Parents of P3 and 4K students need to park in the parking spots and walk their child into school.  Students in P3 or 4K may enter with their parents at 7:45 a.m.  All doors will lock again at 7:55.  If you happen to be running late, please stop by the South Office for a green slip so we know your child is in the building; attendance may have been already taken by the time your child reaches their classroom.


Students in Enrichment classes will be let out at 2:55 p.m.  Please park and come to the front door to pick up your child/children.  You may park in the Hug and Go lane or in the parking spaces during pick up and get out of your vehicle.  If you enjoy having conversation after school with other families, we would prefer you to park in the middle spaces and let those ready to roll onto the road have the Hug and Go lane spaces.  Grades K-5 will be let out at 3:00 p.m.  Please make a plan with your family for pick up.  Discuss where you will meet them.  Some possible choices would be by the lion, panda, lizard or monkey signs that are located around the Hug and Go lane.  The front door is another choice, but there is more congestion there.  All students crossing the Hug and Go lane from 3:00 p.m. until 3:15 p.m. need to have an adult with them.


These measures are taken to keep everyone safe and accounted for here at SMSA.  The faculty, staff and I are awaiting and are very enthusiastic for everyone to return or be welcomed to SMSA for the upcoming school year! We are excited for the changes we will see in your child and all of our students this year.


God Bless,

Steven Kelnhofer

Upcoming Events/News

Box Tops, Milk Moola & Loaves For Learning

Let’s start the school year off right! Bring in those Box Tops, Milk Moola Caps and Loaves for Learning labels you’ve collected over the summer.  Please give these items to your teacher the first week of school and enjoy a classroom treat provided by the SMSA Grandparents Club.

Keep collecting throughout the school year and watch for special promotions.  Last year these programs generated over $3,000 providing assistance to our special programs (music, art, phy-ed, etc.). Let’s top that this year! Together we can do great things for SMSA!

Before/After School Care News

No new at this time.