Dear Parents,
The joy in the small things is a phrase I really enjoy. I am reminded of the small things each morning during drop off when I hear an older and younger sibling yell to each other, “I love you and I’ll see you after school” or seeing them walking together and departing with a hug.
Small things are really important. It’s wonderful to carve out some time and be intentional about seeing how small things could be the really big things.
After school playground safety
As a reminder, due to safety concerns, elementary students are to arrive at the campus shortly before the doors open and are to leave immediately after their last class of the day, unless they have permission from a teacher for extra help or a project.
Students may go to after school care at 3:00 p.m. They may also reside in the South hall lobby to be supervised until 3:15 p.m. by a supervisor. No student is to remain on the premises for the purpose of playing on the playground after school without parental supervision standing on the playground.
Thanks for helping us stay safe!
ASTOP Presentations
Starting next week, we will be having ASTOP presentations in our classrooms. These speakers do a wonderful job talking with students about being safe at each grade levels appropriate understanding and comfort level. Please look for more communication coming home with your student.
Forward Testing
Forward testing has begun for our elementary students. It will conclude before Good Friday. Look for communication for your grade level coming home via your student’s classroom teacher. More information can be found in the eledger under System Information.
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer