It seems the weather is a topic of conversation due to winter returning for a sort visit.
I would like to congratulate fourth graders Jackson Schwartz and Anlu Moreno Melo, and fifth graders Vivian Lucas, Aubrey Hafermann and Anna Willis for being winners of the Severe Weather Poster Contest. Their outstanding work is posted on the Fond du Lac County Emergency Management Facebook page. Great work students!
Our third through fifth grade students participated in the Alpha Theta writing contest. In third grade, Josh Harmon was 1st place runner up, Jaxon Sabel, Kadence Krause and Genevieve Johnson tied for 3rd place.
In fourth grade, Ben Byazek took 1st place, Jax Lenz tied for 2nd place, and Katie Howard and Morgan Nachreiner tied for 3rd place.
In fifth grade Lily Rameker and Lucile Rathke tied for 1st place. Vivian Lucas came in 2nd place, and Olivia Nuss and Justin Everson tied for 3rd place.
Congratulations to all of you on your achievements. The writing is on the wall, we are proud of all of you!
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Steve Kelnhofer