As a reminder, please slow down, use blinkers, pull forward as far as possible and be an attentive driver when using the hug and go lane. Doing all of these actions will help keep everyone safe and traffic moving effectively. Thank you for your help.
We still have room for third through fifth grade girls in the Dash and Dots Program that will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room. Please see below for more information.
It is with a sadden heart, but eternal joy, that I invite you to please help me wish Mrs. McNamara and her family all the best on her journey back to Indiana. At the end of this school year, Mrs. McNanara and her family will move back to spend more time with parents and relatives. I know she enjoyed being a part of the SMSA family, FDL community and will miss being around the people she has come to know and grow with as her second family. I will always remember her values of family, kindness, community, planning, fun and faith. She shows her values brightly and wears them with simplicity and grace. She wishes to thank the SMSA community for her opportunity and being included in our truly unique and special experience at SMSA. Thank you Mrs. McNamara for your time here and the journey we traveled together. The road at SMSA is paved better because of your work. Thank you!
Steve Kelnhofer