Happy Easter!   May your next few weeks be filled with the joy of the Easter season.  Next year’s academic calendar may be found on our website.  Please take time to explore it and plan accordingly.  


As we enter spring, I would like to affirm our commitment to providing a positive and productive educational environment for all students. To facilitate this, we have engaged in communication with our K-8 faculty and staff regarding our POSITIVE SCHOOL CLIMATE PHILOSOPHY and expectations at SMSA. In turn, I share the following link and added details with you regarding disciplinary actions and consequences which, as a reminder, begin at the lowest level of intervention and progress as necessary, pending the situation.


Elementary Family Handbook 

Grades P3 – 8 Discipline Philosophy: Positive School Climate (page 14 of the handbook)

Grades P3 – 8 Disciplinary Procedures to Maintain a Positive School Climate (page 20 of the handbook)


Thank you for your partnership. Our school community is special and has the ability for everyone to lean in and support the best student outcomes regardless of the circumstances that are presented.  Everyone together will create global leaders for tomorrow. 


Forward testing began on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 and will conclude on Friday, April 16, 2021.  Please click here to learn more about the Wisconsin Forward Assessment.  Please partner with us and have your child attend school during Forward testing sessions and be physically and mentally prepared as possible.   Thank you.  


God Bless,

Steve Kelnhofer

SMSA Principal



Ledger Learning Guide  

Parents are always encouraged to check the SMSA Ledger Learning Guides Home Page to see weekly learning targets, resources and expectations in every course.  Parental partnership in helping students  stay organized and focused on learning is always appreciated. 

Upcoming Dates

April 7th – April 16th:  Forward tests for grades 3 – 8

Ledgerfest 2021 - Auction Closes Saturday, April 10th

Have you bid on your favorite auction package yet? If not, time is running out, the online auction closes promptly at 8:00 p.m. (CST) Saturday, April 10, 2021! Trust us, this is a can’t miss auction! Over 75 packages including the class auction baskets put together for each grade with the generous donations of our SMSA families, and the incredible class art items our P3-8 grade students worked so hard on! Bid high and bid often!

Click here to view auction packages, bid on your favorites and new this year, purchase “Instant Buy” items for a fun chance at taking home one of our “Big Ticket” items (more information regarding “Instant Buys” is available on the bidding site). You will also have an opportunity to donate towards this year’s Fund-A-Need, which is raising money to purchase “Big Ideas” math curriculum for grades 6-8 and a new Ledger Mascot!

News and Information

No news at this time.

Scholarship Opportunities

BeeDee Scholarship (8th Grade Students) – Deadline Friday April 16th

Please click here for information on the BeeDee Scholarship.


Before/After School Care News

No news at this time.


Parent Connectors - Join us Today

If you have any questions, please contact either Andrea Nuss, or Katie Mathos,