Dear Families,
I pray all of you are healthy and well. Thank you for partnering with us during COVID-19. As we all learned last week, we’ll be educating virtually through the end of the school year. SMSA couldn’t be successful in this journey without your understanding, patience and cooperation. Although we may have to take a detour to accomplish our mission, we’ll lead, learn and grow our future together in the same spirit through our Catholic faith!
At this moment, I’d like to give a huge shout out to our teachers and celebrate them. As I reflect upon the journey they took since the middle of March, I see how much they have accomplished by paving a road for education in a virtual world. Last week, I used the words AMAZING GRACE as we discussed and reflected. It’s with grace, grit and determination our teachers did the amazing. It humbles me to think about the extra hours, creativity and dedication our teachers give to keep leaning moving forward as the weeks pass.
I’m wondering if you or your student could help me say thank you and send a kind note or email to a teacher next week. I would appreciate your support in recognizing our teachers and their grit, work and hearts. Thank you, because you are an amazing parent community to serve and I’m blessed to be a part of this outstanding Ledger community.
As we journey together, please remember to take a breath, laugh, listen and love. These are four very powerful ideas and actions. WE GOT THIS!
God Bless,
Steven Kelnhofer
Virtual Learning Guide
You will find the virtual learning guide and other COVID-19 information on our SMSA website or by clicking here.
Prayer, Pledge and Announcements
For the weekly Prayer, Pledge, and Announcements please click here.
And use this code: bwow6fl.
Would your family like the chance to lead our day with prayer or the pledge? Click here to sign up for a day today!
Love and Logic tip of the Week
Inside, every kid is screaming, love me enough to set some limits