This past weekend, Marquette University High School in Milwaukee, tragically lost one of their students to a lifelong battle with depression. Jack Kujawa was a beloved classmate and friend.
His classmates have decided to rally around his family and friends by starting a "No Shave November" competition with funds raised to support "Men's Mental Health Awareness."
SMSA has spoken with senior leadership and will be offering a donation to MUHS from the proceeds we collect this month from our boys and men who choose to participate.
We will also be inviting any SMSA male supporters to join in on this cause.
In order to participate, you must fill out the form below and drop off $10 to the North Office before the end of the competition to be included in the judging.
Female faculty staff and students will be judging all beards. Students will be judged on the weakest beard, the fullest beard and the most unique beard. Male Faculty and Staff will be judged on the overall best beard and male SMSA supporters will be judged the same.
All contestants MUST be clean shaven by November 5, 2018. You are on your honor system.
Thank you in advance for your support to Men's Mental Health Awareness. Any other donations will be accepted for this cause during the month of November.