NFL Sports Blitz Sweepstakes
Back by popular demand!
Each student (grades 6-12) will be given 10 cards to sell at $20 each; $14 of each card comes directly back to SMSA!
Cards are due back no later than August 29th. They can be returned to the Scrip office anytime during Scrip office hours, or brought to our Open House on August 29th.
Rules and Prize Information:
Your card purchase automatically enters you into a weekly NFL Sweepstakes for the entire season, and is loaded with great discounts including the Bucks, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and several Fond du Lac restaurants! If your weekly randomly selected teams score the highest (or lowest score) among all other SMSA competitors, you instantly win a CASH prize! Over $2,550 will be given away in cash prizes among our SMSA community over the NFL regular season.
Additionally, prizes will be awarded to the top student sellers and the class that sells the most cards will be awarded a special class trip. More information will be shared at the upcoming co-curricular code meetings.
This fundraiser replaces the long-standing SMSA magazine drive and is intended to get our students involved in supporting the development efforts of the school. Proceeds will be distributed to the Athletic Booster Club (who purchases uniforms, athletic equipment, sponsors athletic buses for tournaments, etc), Parents of Performing Arts (who purchase equipment for our performing arts programs, support performances, etc), and also the Annual Fund (which bridges that gap between tuition and the operational costs of the school). By having our students involved in fundraising, they too, are learning about the importance and impact of their efforts on the school.