Fond du Lac School District Shuttle to SMSA
All K-12 students who live within Fond du Lac city limits are eligible to be transported to SMSA from a common pick-up/drop-off point. This point is located at the parking lot on the North side of Fruth Field off of South St. Parents will take their children to this location for transportation to SMSA. Parents MUST stay with their children until the bus arrives and loading begins.
All families intending to use this option, must register by clicking Shuttle Sign Up link below* (EVEN IF YOU WERE REGISTERED LAST YEAR)
Johnson Bus is required to have family contact information in case of an emergency. Johnson Bus drivers will be taking bus rider attendance for tracking purposes.
The Shuttle Bus will arrive at 7:15 a.m. and depart for SMSA by 7:25 a.m. Students will remain inside their parents vehicle until the driver sounds a horn for loading to begin. The shuttle bus will have a placard on the side of the bus or by the service door identifying the destination.
The Shuttle Bus will pick up students from SMSA and arrive at the South Street parking lot at approximately 3:45 p.m.
NOTE: If a student’s ride is not present, the bus will wait for 5 minutes while Johnson Bus dispatch will attempt to contact the parent and SMSA. If the parent does not arrive within 5 minutes the student will remain on the bus and will ride the bus route, returning to Johnson Bus terminal after the route. Police will be dispatched to the bus company to assume responsibility for the student.
For questions, please contact Carol Ellestad at (920) 322-8002 or
*All students must be registered on the shuttle sign up list before school begins.
Please click Shuttle Sign Up to register.