Dear Parents,
What a wonderful summer in Wisconsin this is! I remember hearing that Wisconsin has two seasons: Winter and the Fourth of July; how true! I hope that you and your family are enjoying summer break. I have truly relished this month of reflecting on my first year at SMSA. The foundation of SMSA is strong, and the work that has been done over the years to advance the school and its mission are undeniable; in fact, it is why I was drawn to SMSA a year ago. I am so grateful to be a part of this next chapter of the school’s rich history and relish the opportunity to continually improve the quality of our education.
This past year, we put a lot into place behind the scenes at multiple grade levels that has or will positively affect your children. As we now begin planning for the upcoming school year, I would like to give you a summary of my observations over the past academic year at the middle and high school levels, the changes that were implemented last year, and what you might see in the upcoming year, including:
Curriculum & Instruction:
Much of our curriculum (the content) is relevant and deep. Some of the curriculum, however, hasn’t been aligned to standards and therefore was not preparing all children for the next level. Additionally, it is our vision to provide “individualized academic achievement” for all students, requiring us to evaluate our instructional practices as well as the courses we are offering to our students.
Accomplishments and Plans-
- The teachers documented their curriculum as they taught it this year. It highlighted where there were gaps and overlaps in the instruction among different grade levels, and ensured they were following the standards. This road-map will be used to refine our curriculum across all subject areas over the next several years.
- An instructional coach was hired this past spring for the next three years to work with our middle and high school teachers to coach them on how to use the standardized testing and classroom observations for deeper instruction.
- Expansion of course offerings will include: World Languages at the middle school level (Spanish and German), adding Advanced Placement courses in the 2019-2020 school year to compliment the current college courses offered and researching additional electives for students at high school level.
The Forward Exam, administered to students in grades 2-8, showed Mr. Kelnhofer and me the positive impact on students from the recent curriculum change (Math Expressions) in math at the upper elementary level. However, there exists a continued need for targeted assistance in grades 7-12 because those curricular changes came after some students transitioned out of elementary school.
Accomplishments and Plans-
- Additional math sections added at HS to target individual math needs.
- Hired additional math faculty member to reduce class sizes.
- Math instructional coaching at middle and high school levels will fill in gaps and move students forward at their pace.
Cohesion of Faculty/Staff:
Over the course of the last two years, several teachers have joined the SMSA community, some who were new to the field. As a result, we continue to grow together as a team as we learn the strengths of one another.
Accomplishments and Plans-
- We began to build departmental teams that included all teachers from grades 6-12. The teams provided advice and support among colleagues and familiarization with what was being taught at other grade levels in their content areas. This knowledge will help ensure curriculum is appropriately scaffolded.
- Teachers and staff will continue to work together in their departments and grade levels to deepen peer bonds and create common language, common strategies, and common goals; all tied to the mission of the school.
Standardized Testing, ACT testing and other internal assessment tools were not providing useful or timely data for teachers to support their classroom instruction. Not enough “real time” data was being used to evaluate student progress and achievement.
Accomplishments and Plans-
- After researching several options, we have decided to shift to MAPs testing ( for all students in grades 2-8.
- Ninth and tenth grade students will be taking the Pre-ACT to give teachers real time data and allow students to practice taking ACT-type testing.
- High School Placement Testing was conducted for all incoming 9th grade students. This gives a snapshot of the student’s strengths and weaknesses, offering greater insight into class placement as well as preparing teachers for the individual needs of students.
- Mr. Kelnhofer and I agreed that all students need to be tested annually with the state’s Forward Exam through grade 8. This gives an additional data point for teachers to see their students, and gives us an indication of how our students are doing in comparison to students across the state.
Student Services Department:
The Student Services Office has great potential but needed direction and the high school Student Services Department needed a specific mission. This resulted from staff turnover, new teachers, and lack of usable testing data.
Accomplishments and Plans-
- We hired a 6-12 Director of Student Services to oversee the program in middle and high school. Ms. Reilley hit the ground running to organize the department and to collaborate with the elementary school Services Director for a smooth transition of students through all levels, and craft a specific mission for the department.
- We added a new Middle School Student Services Specialist who will work directly with teachers and students to support students in middle school and transition them out of Student Services or transition them into High School Student Services.
Culture & Community:
SMSA has a great mission, wonderful core values, and an incredible strategic direction. It isn’t about revising, rather refining!
Accomplishments and Plans-
- Mr. Kelnhofer and I are working with teachers to continue to use the language of Love and Logic and the Core Values with our students, both in and out of the classroom.
- Our six Core Values (Faith, Learning, Respect, Leadership, Community and Responsibility) will continue be infused throughout the school, in the student and teacher handbooks, daily instruction and all activities.
We are all excited about the direction of SMSA as a System, and are proud to share with you what we have done and the goals we have established to fulfill our mission. There is work to do, but it is good work because it is for your children and for our Church.
In Christ,Julie Shively, EdD
SMSA 6-12 Principal
*Stay tuned for the mid August eLedger featuring an update from the Elementary Principal, Steven Kelnhofer