Christmas Break - December 24th - January 1st

There will be no school from Monday, December 24, 2018 – Tuesday, January 1, 2019 resuming on Wednesday, January 2, 2019.


The Business and Scrip offices will also be closed during this time.

From the Office of Fr. John, SMSA School Chaplain

Hello, Ledgers!

As you may have heard, Archbishop Listecki has asked me to return to Rome next fall to study for a Ph.D. in Biblical theology. While I am honored and excited to have been called to this new mission, I am also sad to leave the incredible community I have come to know and love at St. Mary’s Springs Academy and at the Holy Family–Presentation–Our Risen Savior tri-parish.

Rest assured that as we look for a priest to come in my stead, the post is being presented as both a position as associate pastor at the tri-parish and as chaplain of the school. Maintaining the school chaplaincy is a priority for the archbishop, and one he hopes to continue for years to come. I will continue as chaplain at Springs for the full course of this school year and am looking forward to savoring these last months with all of you.

Thank you for all the love and generosity you have shown me during my years here! I have been overwhelmed by your kindness, and I love being your chaplain! Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to guide the selection of our new chaplain. May Christ fill you all with his peace in these final days of Advent as we await the coming of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. And may our Blessed Mother lead you always closer to him. Our Lady of the Ledge, pray for us!


Important Upcoming Dates

Rosary - Chapel of St. Mary: Our Lady of the Ledge - December 17th

Join us as we pray the Rosary in our Chapel of St. Mary on Monday, December 17th, 2018 from 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.


Check in at the North or South Hall office for your chapel pass.

Coach Tim and Rose Ahern Retirement Recognition - December 21st

You are invited to join us in recognizing and thanking Coach Tim and Rose Ahern for their years of dedication to the SMSA hockey program on Friday, December 21, 2018.


There will be a presentation before the SMSA vs Fondy hockey game at Blue Line Family Ice Center (550 Fond Du Lac Ave) at 7 p.m.


Following the game, a social will be held at the Knights of Columbus (795 Fond Du Lac Ave).  SMSA will provide pizza.

Salute the Troops Hockey Night - December 21st

The SMSA hockey team and friends invite you to attend their BIG game, versus cross-town rival, the Fond du Lac Cardinals, on Friday, December 21, at 7 p.m. at the Blue Line Family Ice Center (550 Fond du Lac Ave).


They are excited and honored to start a new tradition that gives them the chance to recognize and pay tribute to the brave and caring men and women in our community that have served in the military.


The team has announced a “Salute the Troops” fundraiser in which all “chuck-a-puck” proceeds (from both the December 15 and December 21 games) will be donated to Salute the TroopsIn addition, t-shirts will be available for purchase for $10 each, with proceeds supporting Salute the Troops.


If interested, there will be an opportunity at the game to visit a Salute the Troops information table to learn more and donate to this great cause! 


Special military ribbons will be handed out to all those who have served our country, and a special recognition will take place before the game.


Between the 1st and 2nd period, The Fond du Lac Blades – Team USA – will perform a special tribute.


This night is also the Coach Tim and Rose Ahern retirement recognition night. Their recognition will take place before the game, followed by a special military recognition and the singing of our National Anthem. 

News and Information

Its Not What You Give, but Whether You Give - Annual Fund Video

The Annual Fund bridges the “operational gap” of SMSA, offsetting the necessary funds needed to operate the school outside of revenue from tuition and parish support.  The Annual Fund supports the System’s greatest needs including upgrading technology, advancing curriculum, providing the very best educators and basic needs like lighting and heating.
Please enjoy this video on the Annual Fund from our students.  It is not what you give, but whether you give that makes a difference.  Every cent counts.
Thank you for your support.

Please Click here to view the video.

Would you like to donate online?  Please Click here.

SMSA Staff Christmas Social - donation due by December 21st

For the past 8 years, a group of families have sponsored a Staff Christmas Social as a special thank you to all the SMSA administration, staff, teachers and Holy Family priests.


The event this year will be held in January at Whispering Springs Golf Club (380 Whispering Springs Dr.).   For many families, this is given in place of individual Christmas gifts for staff and teachers.  Please note, this opportunity is optional and offered to any SMSA family that would like to be included.

The event will include appetizers and beverages for all who attend.  Each family participating is asked to give a minimum of $50.  Monies will be accepted through Friday, December 21, 2018 and can be dropped or USPS mailed to: Andrea Nuss (please email – listed below – for address).

Contact either myself ( or 920-904-4356) or Valerie Everson ( or 920-251-3719) at your convenience with questions.

Blessings to you during this joyous holiday season!

NFL Blitz Cards Weekly Winners

Congratulations to our Week 13 Winners!

Week 13

Caroline M. Sterr – $75

Jong Huh – $25

Dan Ottery – $10

Anne Miller – $10

Leslie Vanderkooy – $10

Jason Schmitz – $20

From the Office of Kollin Petrie, Director of Campus Ministry

Your Best Advent Ever

Best Advent Ever!
Check out the next video by clicking here from the Best Advent Ever series from Matthew Kelly as he reflects on the Gospel from the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
Sign up to receive the daily video reflections via email by clicking here, and make this your Best Advent Ever!

Sign up for Friday Adoration - Need Parent Volunteers

We would like to continue to offer Eucharistic Adoration to our students on Fridays, but we need your help! 


Parents and community members are invited to sign-up by clicking here to take an hour time slot.  All you need to do is sit quietly with Jesus, adoring Him in the Blessed Sacrament.

High School Info Advent Angels - Collections due December 18th

Advent Angels
Campus Ministry Servant Leadership is challenging all high school students to be Advent Angels!  We have partnered with Holy Family Parish to help three families purchase Christmas gifts.  Students have been asked to give up the purchase of a regular treat (such as coffee, snack, etc) and save that money to donate toward the gifts. Our goal is a donation of $2 per student to help make Christmas more special for these families.
Final collection day is Tuesday, December 18, 2018.

From the Office of Katie Helmer, School Nurse

SMSA Illness Procedures Reminders

Cold and flu season has arrived and we want to keep germs out of school!  A reminder of the procedures we follow at SMSA and expect all parent’s and families to follow as well are below:

  • If your child has a temperature of 100.4f or higher, they will be sent home and cannot return to school until fever free for 24 hours (without fever reducing medication).  
  • If your child has had diarrhea or vomited, they cannot return until free of symptoms for 24 hours.


Thank you for understanding and cooperation!  


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the procedures, please email


Scrip Closed During Christmas Break - December 22 - January 1

The Scrip office will be closed Monday December 24, 2018 – Tuesday, January 1, 2019 reopening Wednesday, January 2nd due to Christmas break.

Use Scrip for your Christmas shopping

Make Christmas shopping easy by giving the gift of Scrip!  We have over 100 cards to chose from in inventory.   


Gift cards make great gifts for teachers, coaches, babysitters and more!  Not sure what they want?  A Scrip gift-certificate (which can be purchased in any denomination) will allow them to choose exactly what they want.


Remember, if we don’t have what you are looking for in inventory, please ask.  We may be able to place a special order for you! 


Give the gift of Scrip and have more time to focus on the true meaning of Christmas!

Office Hours

Scrip hours for the academic school year

Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:00 a.m. – Noon

Tuesday & Thursday: Noon – 4:00 p.m


Not sure what Scrip is? Stop by and see us or call Chris at 920-322-8059.  Scrip is an SMSA fundraiser that not only benefits the system but also gives you the opportunity to reduce your tuition.

Click here to read more!

Parents of Performing Arts (PPA) and Athletic Booster Club (ABC) Upddates

ABC Update

No news at this time.

PPA Update

There will be no PPA meeting for the month of December.  


Please join us on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 in the SMSA cafeteria for our next meeting.

From the Office of Kasey Smith - 6-12 Director of Student Life

November Ledger Leaders

Congratulations to the following students chosen as the November 2018 Ledger Leaders!  Great job demonstrating our Core Vales.
  • Sam Skiff (12th, Social Studies/Theology)
  • Justin Ditter (11th, Art/Music/Phy Ed)
  • Emma Thelen (10th, English/Foreign Language)
  • Nathan Cobb (9th, Math/Science/Business)
  • Hailey Hoffman (8th)
  • Grace Doering (7th)
  • Nevaeh Galligan (6th)