Parish Updates

Among Us Catholic Youth Group - Thursdays

Youth grades 6-12 are invited to join the Holy Family Catholic Community Among Us Youth Group for games, small groups, candlelight prayer, and food. The group meets on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, (5th) Thursdays of the month throughout the year from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart School, 678 Western Ave.


Brown Bag Lunch Program seeks donations of applesauce cups/fruit cups

Thank you to everyone who has donated to Holy Family and Salvation Army’s Brown Bag Lunch program so far! Your donations will help the parish feed 400 children and families in the Fond du Lac area each week throughout the summer.


This weekend, May 21/22, Holy Family is asking for donations of applesauce cups and fruit cups for lunches. Please place your donations in the boxes at the back of church sites, or bring them to the Parish Office. If you have any questions, please call Erin or Gabby at (920) 921-0580.


The free, nutritional lunches will be available for children and families every Tuesday and Thursday, June 14-August 25. Children may pick up their own lunch. There must be an adult for families wanting more than one lunch.


Pick-up locations include:

  • Corner of Hawthorne Drive and Martin Avenue near Maplewood Commons: 11:00-11:15 am
  • Church of Peace, 401 S. Military Rd. (Parking Lot): 11:00-11:15 am
  • St. Vincent de Paul, 330 N. Peters Ave. (Parking Lot): 11:00-11:15 am
  • The Salvation Army, 237 N. Macy St.: 11:30-12:15 pm


Memorial Day Masses, Office Hours

Holy Family priests will offer Masses at various locations on Memorial Day, May 30, to pay tribute to those who lost their lives for our country.


Calvary Cemetery will offer its Mass at 8:30 am, with a Rosary Walk through the cemetery led by Boy Scouts beginning at 8:00 am. At 9:00 am, you come for Mass at Holy Family Church, as well as at St. Charles Cemetery.


Please note that the Holy Family Parish Office will be closed that day and reopen at 7:30 am on Tuesday, May 31.


Save the Date: Holy Family Rectory Open House

Join Holy Family Catholic Community as they celebrate their new Holy Family Rectory with their Open House from noon to 4:00 pm on Saturday, June 18 at W4587 Fourth Street Road. The open house will kick off with a blessing at noon.


Holy Family priests will offer tours of the rectory throughout the day.

Community Updates

Summer Enrichment

Want to spend your mornings with engaging activities? There are still a few openings available in select classes for the Fond du Lac School Distict Summer School program. Classes run from June 13 to July 1 from 8:00 to 11:30 (some classes run one hour, two hours or 3 hours). Shuttle bus is available to the two elementary program sights of Waters & Parkside.


For Summer School questions, call 920-906-6510 or email


Aurora Free Injury Evaluation

If pain has moved you from participant to spectator, call Aurora Sports Health to schedule a free injury evaluation. Performed by a licensed athletic trainer, physical therapist or occupational therapist, the free screening includes a pain assessment and recommendations for treatment or physician referral, if needed. 


Click here for the assessment.

Speech Therapy at Aurora Health

Speech-language pathologists or speech therapists work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social-communication, cognitive-communication, voice and swallowing disorders. 


Speech-language pathologists work with any age, from infants to adults, to help restore the ability to communicate, eat safely, remember, understand and solve problems.


Have more questions contact us at 920-907-7000 or visit us at


Click here for information.