Parish Updates

Register or Volunteer for Vacation Bible School

All children in going into grades Pre-K through sixth this fall are invited to participate in Holy Family Catholic Community’s Vacation Bible School “Rocky Railway: Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through.” Children will learn about Jesus through Bible stories, crafts, music, and play from Monday – Friday, August 2nd – 6th. To view a video about the program, click here.


Holy Family is also looking for volunteers to help in a variety of roles including planning and assisting in classrooms. Those with children participating in the program can sign up to volunteer when registering. 


All others can contact Trisha Zimmerman at the Parish Office at (920) 921-0580.

Presentation on “Mary and Her Messages” – May 17th

Come to Holy Family Catholic Church Monday, May 17th from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. to hear Fr. Edward Looney’s presentation, “A Journey with Mary and Her Messages.” A prolific Catholic writer, Fr. Edward Looney will discuss Mary through the multiple roles she had — mother, faithful servant and teacher— and the various Marian apparitions that have been seen throughout the world, including in Wisconsin. An Ask Me Anything Q&A will follow.

Donations Needed for Brown Bag Lunch Program

Holy Family Catholic Community is in need of donations to use for lunches when it leads The Salvation Army of Fond du Lac’s Brown Bag Lunch Program on Tuesdays from June 15th to August 24th. The Brown Bag Lunch program provides meals to hundreds of families in the area who are in need of food during the summer months. Next week, the parish will be collecting granola bars, boxed raisins and fruit snacks for the program.  Donations can be dropped off at the Holy Family Church site.

Holy Family Offers “Christ is Risen” Scholarship Opportunity

Holy Family Catholic Community will award two $500 scholarships to students who, along with their parents, have been registered members of Holy Family Catholic Community for at least one year prior to applying for the scholarship. Students must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation to be eligible to apply.  Students who have successfully completed high school in the spring of 2021 and are entering their first year of continuing education at either an accredited university/college or technical college may apply for this scholarship.  


For additional requirements and an application, visit Required paperwork must be emailed to Michelle Ludtke, Director of Parish Operations, at or be given in person to her at the parish office at 271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, by no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 6, 2021.

Community Updates

Mother’s Day Rose Sale

Please accept a sincere thank you from the Fond du Lac Chapter WI Right to Life, to all the MS and HS students who purchased Mother’s Day roses. A record number of roses were sold at SMSA this year. Your generosity will help us to continue educating the community regarding pro-life issues and supporting pro-life organizations in Fond du Lac County.

High School Co-Ed Summer Softball Leagues -Registration Fee Must be Paid by June 15th

The FdL Recreation Department in partnership with FSI is offering a high school co-ed softball league during the summer of 2021.


Click here for information.

Volunteers Needed – Swing Fore Springs – July 30th

Help support SMSA during our Swing Fore Springs golf outing on Friday, July 30, 2021 by volunteering for this fun summer event. Click here to view and sign up for volunteer opportunities today!