Holy Family Women’s Ministry Presents “Morning of Grace” – January 16th
Holy Family Catholic Community Women’s Ministry will sponsor “Morning of Grace:” A Women of Christ Half-Day Retreat from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 16th at Holy Family Church. The day will include Confession/Adoration; Rosary; Mass; recorded talks from St. Francis Borgia Pastor Fr. Patrick Burns, Holy Trinity/St. Michael Pastor Fr. Jacob Strand, and St. Charles Associate Pastor Fr. Nick Baumgardner.
A light breakfast will be served. Childcare is available upon request by contacting Sabina at scarter@hffdl.org. For more information on Women of Christ, visit womenofchrist.net.
Join Holy Family Catholic Community for Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Join Holy Family Catholic Community’s Fr. Edward Sanchez for Children’s Liturgy of the Word every Friday! In videos posted to the Holy Family Facebook page, Instagram account, and YouTube channel, Fr. Edward explains the upcoming weekend’s Gospel for children and adults alike.
In addition, children can learn how to make crafts related to the Gospel with Crafty Catholic Kids, a series created by Holy Family Parishioner Linda Uselmann. These videos are also available on the parish’s Facebook page every Friday.
Christian Formation and Sacraments Schedule
To view Holy Family Sacramental Preparation or Confirmation for the 2020-2021 school year, please visit hffdl.org/christian_formation to view schedules.
GriefShare to begin on February 3 – multiple Wednesdays
Holy Family Catholic Community will host “Grief Share,” a weekly support group and seminar designed to help people rebuild their lives after loss beginning next month.
As each of the 13 session are self-contained, participants can attend GriefShare at any point and do not have to attend in sequence. The group will meet Wednesdays from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. February 3rd to May 5th at Holy Family Church. To sign up, please call (920) 921-0580 ext. 128 or mdenzin@hffdl.org.
High School Formation – Notre Dame Vision Conference
High schools are invited to consider attending Notre Dame Vision, a summer conference open to Catholic youth. Students graduating eighth grade to students graduating 12th grade are welcome to attend. If you are interested in learning more, please fill out the Notre Dame Vision Interest Form available at this link.