- Navidad on the Ledge has been cancelled for this Saturday due to lack of interest.
- Student Council will be selling Jets pizza after school on the half day Friday. Bring your money and enjoy some pizza. $3 for one slice, $5 for two.
- December 12 Student Council will be sponsoring Aaron Day to support The Solution Center. This is our community outreach project. Please be generous and thoughtful when choosing a gift or donating to this cause. Those who participate will be allowed to wear Packer gear and jeans or sweats.
Domestic abuse and homelessness are horrific issues that will not go away by ignoring them. Solutions Center exists because while these two issues may have their dis-similarities, they have one very important thing in common – they affect human beings.The Solutions Center nurtures the dignity of the human spirit, helps those in need and provides safety, offers support and restores hope.
The items they need are garbage bags, basic hygiene and cleaning supplies, laundry detergent & diapers. Please be generous.
The counseling office has received the FDL Area Insurance Association Scholarship available to seniors pursuing a college degree in business. Please stop in the counseling office for an application.