High School


  • We have a HUGE announcement for all Seniors:

    Tomorrow, Friday the 24th, all seniors and ONLY seniors will be able to wear sweatshirts instead of the regular uniform top. Sweatshirts that are allowed include spirit wear, college apparel, and the green Trent sweatshirt. School pants are still required. 

    We want to reinforce that this is a privilege for SENIORS and SENIORS ONLY. If it is taken advantage of, it can be taken away. 

    This will be recurring every Friday for the rest of the second semester, excluding mass days.

    Lastly, a huge shout out to the administration for allowing this as a reward to the Seniors for all their hard work over the past four years. 

    Thank you and see you all in your sweatshirts tomorrow!

  • There is only 6 weeks to the opening of the Kelley Country Creamery 2020 season.  In order to make their tenth year their best ever, they are looking for 15+ new employees to add to their growing staff.  Starting wage is $10 hour.  Stop in the counseling office for more information.
  • The HS drama department announces auditions for Bye Bye Birdie. They will be on Monday February 3rd and Wednesday February 5th after school in Mrs. Lewis’ classroom.
    Please pick up a form to fill out and bring to auditions as well as sign up for a time slot with a partner and choose a scene to rehearse. Please prepare part of a Broadway song for auditions as well. Bring all schedules of after school activities to your audition.



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